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Laptop will not start Windows


Laptop will not start Windows

Windows failed because HAL is missing. Please help.


Hi Rich

I did burn a Windows Systems Recovery Disk. When I switch on the laptop, and press any key, it states that it is loading Windows files. Then the screen goes blank. The drive appears to be still active, but nothing, other than a pointer, appears.

The BIOS states that the CD has boot priority.

I'm afraid it's looking like a new hard disk is required. Am I correct in thinking the make does not matter, so long as it is 2.5" and SATA?

Thanks once again.

bsmith uist

Hi bsmithuist,

The make is only important in so much as some makes are more reliable than others and as with most things you get what you pay for. I have found Fujitsu and Western Digital drives to be reliable.

A 2.5" form factor Sata drive with a thickness of 9.5mm will fit (some are 12.5mm thick).

Good luck and let us know how you get on.


Go n-éirí an bóthar leat


New hard disk - Error 403.

I have replaced the faulty hard disk. (I found Youtube helpful in demonstrating how to do this.) I started to use my two Sony Vaio Recovery Disks to load the Windows Vista operating system. When it came to the choice of Restore Drive C or Full System Restore, I encountered the Error 403 message.

With the help of rich912, I got round this by following this advice:

The following is copied from the Vaio knowledgebase:

If an Error 403 message is displayed when attempting to perform a recovery on a new or unpartitioned hard drive, restart the computer to the Recovery disc. Once at the VAIO Recovery Center window, choose Restore Complete System , and then choose Skip . The error will occur when choosing any option other than Restore Complete System .

Make sure you Skip any screens after you choose Restore Complete System.

This worked OK, and I'm delighted to report my laptop is back to full working order. I am very grateful for the help of rich912 in resolving my hard disk problems. It's funny how much you learn when you encounter problems.