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I'm getting this warning notification on my M2 phone more frequently now. I clear as much data as I can from my apps without harming anything i.e. Facebook, Twitter, gmail etc so as to clear the notification. Pictures, music etc automatically store on my 32gb memory card and the card still has tons of available space. But again, the notification is appearing more frequently now and it's obviously causing problems with updating apps and the speed and general efficiency of my phone. As far as I'm aware (I may be missing something somewhere!) I've moved what apps it will permit over to my card.

I'm not a technophobe or anything but I'm definitely not of interest to NASA either, so I'm very wary of trying to solve the issue on my own by deleting, uninstalling, moving anything that I'm not familiar with that could be detrimental to my phone in the long term!

Can anyone give me any advice and pointers of what to do that doesn't involve stuff like jailbreaking(?!) so I can at least stop the notification coming up as frequently as it now is?!

Sorry if this is a repeated thread...!


I'm sorry to hear about your issue, the notification can't be turned off until you free up internal storage, with that said, you could move apps to the SD card


I'm aware of that, hence my post. That link isn't about my device. As I said, to the best of my knowledge I've already moved all apps I'm able to over to my card.

I may have used the wrong words at some point. I don't want to just get rid of the nuisance notification, I want to get rid of it through the normal means i.e. freeing up memory but I'm not wholly confident I can do that safely without more sound and knowledgeable advice. Because of this memory problem my phone is becoming slower and less efficient, and I'm struggling to update apps at all sometimes, until I go to settings>apps and individually clear data from each app but that's becoming a tiresome and inconvenient task given the frequency the notification is now coming up.

I have a 32gb SD card with tons of space still available on it

Hi @GregMCR,

Everything will unfortunately not be possible to transfer to the SD-card. You can use the built-in feature to transfer as much as possible by going to Settings > Storage > Transfer data to SD-card.

In order to free up memory on the internal storage there are a few things you can do. 

 - Delete stored cache, go to Settings > Storage > Internal storage > Pres Cached data > Clear/Delete. Note that some apps will redownload cachedata as soon as you start them again. However this is a good way to free up memory without the risk of losing any personal data. Deleting the cache doesn't delete any user data stored in that applications. The application might need a bit longer to start up the next time. This is not perceivable in most cases. 

 - You can uninstall apps or updates for the apps, go to Settings > Apps. Here you will be able to find all of the apps installed in your device. You mentioned that you had tried clearing data for a few of them. I suggest that you go through the list of apps and see if you find anything that you are not using and check if you can uninstall the app or its updates. Note that this will not be possible for most preinstalled apps.

I also recommend setting the Camera-app to automatically save photos on the SD-card.

To change data storage for photos

  1. Activate the camera.
  2. Tap the Settings icon, then select Data storage > SD card.

I've got the same issue, everything that could possibly be stored on an SD card I frequently struggle to update my apps as a result of this. I think it's just down to the phone not having enough internal memory.


I've still not totally solved the issue. To summarise where I'm up to;

* "Storage space running out" notification is frequently popping up
* All apps that I CAN move to my SD card HAVE been moved to my SD card
* Notification is sometimes still there even after deleting cached data or going through each app individually in settings>apps and deleting data
* I have had the same number of apps for a while before it started coming up - I've not downloaded any new/extra apps since it started coming up
* I've deleted apps that I can live without and uninstalled updates for apps I don't use but can't delete as they're pre-installed
* As the notification is still coming up, albeit intermittently, I can't update any apps

Is there anything else I can do that doesn't involve buying stuff or deleting stuff that will affect my phone and it's system?

@GregMCR, unfortunately there is not much else that can be done other than resetting the device to factory settings if you've already tried the previous suggestions in this thread.


I recently bought this phone after my other phone just died. I have used it for two days and the memory is full. Now I realize that I cannot use the applications I love any more. They cannot be installed on the sd-card but have to be installed on the narrow space given by Sony. Disaster. I have Moves, Fitbit, Polar Flow and Swarm Now I'll have to delete them and then I have a phone I have no use for. I'm thinking of selling it. Someone who does not use any apps might like it.And I have a 32 g card but the only thing I can save on it are photos. I already had to delete WhatsApp and Instagram. I am also removing Facebook and everything that can be removed. Stupid, stupid phone. Oldfashioned system!


MinnaKorhonen I have had the Xperia M2 Aqua (M2 but waterproof) for a year now. It doesn't distinguish for having a big internal memory, so eventually you'll have problems with this, but you CAN move apps to the SD card, just like in any other Android phone as far as I know. Taking all the appropiate measures, I can fit Facebook, Messenger, OfficeSuite, Google Spreadsheets, Chrome, Spotify, Google Docs, Waze, Uber, AVG, Twitter, Whatsapp and many smaller apps, all updated, before getting the notification. You can't install all the apps you'd like, but it's good enough for the regular apps if you manage it well.


I've got the same problem on my Xperia Z5 with 32GB internal storage and I've put in a 64GB SD Card, the SD card is useless as YES i can move my photos and music to the SD Card, but pivots and music isn't the problem, it's the apps that can't move which is the problem, it's the apps that's talking all the space on internal storage, my everyday apps like email, OneNote, OneDrive, Google Play Books, PowerPoint etc are the main offenders. With Marshmallow (the OS that I've got), other Android phones allow you move apps and app data to the SD Card, but as it's vendor based, Sony doesn't allow it for some reason, why! This is the most frustrating thing about my device, I can't use my phone as normally anymore, email has stopped working as there's no space left, the phone is slow due to lack of space and I have a year left on the contract. Then Sony support just use the word 'unfortunately' over and over again and choose to ignore it putting the blame back into the user. This is a serious problem guys, wake up and do something and allow the option to move apps to the SD Card.