Please enable VoLTE feature with Marshmallow update


Please enable VoLTE feature with Marshmallow update

In India, Reliance Jio is launching its commercial service in coming months, It will support only Voice over LET (VoLTE) and No 2G/3G voice services. Many phones recently launched in India do support  VoLTE feature and other manufacturers enabling this future with a software update. Xperia M4 Aqua has SD615 processor which inherently support VoLTE future, So please activate/enable this future with a software update. 


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Hi @nazim3073, that is not quite the case, please allow me to explain.

In regards to to Xperia XA, I have information that VoLTE is available in the UK with 3 and EE, but this is still dependant on the carrier in question as I have mentioned previously in this thread. I do not have information regarding XA VoLTE availability on other markets, I apologize. This thread however concerns M4 Aqua specifically, please take further discussion in an appropriate thread for your model.

Here are some requirements for using VoLTE with your Xperia:

  • you have to use a VoLTE-supported phone or tablet.
  • your operator and subscription must support VoLTE for the device model you're using.
  • depending on operator, your phone or tablet must sometimes be operator-branded and/or use operator-customised system software.
  • your phone or tablet must be in range of a LTE/4G network.

I recommend that you get in touch with your operator to see what verify what is valid for your Xperia device.

@Sashi1982 please refer to my previous post located here. I'm afraid that M4 Aqua is not a model which supports VoLTE according to information which I have available. Slightly_frowning_Face 


@Emir, sorry for pitching in again and bothering you again

I had long talk with customer care representative from Sony India and he told me that M4 Aqua doesn't have hardware support for VoLTE and that's why Sony is not providing it interms of Software update.

Now while searching what I got it M4 Auqa having Snapdragon 615 processor which supports VoLTE and VoWiFi : Reger link Snapdragon 615

Now I am not sure why Sony is saying again and again that it doesn't support VoLTE hardware wise?

Sony should actually give support for this. Slightly_frowning_Face


Hi @ppgsk17, I have a list of devices which support VoLTE, but I'm afraid that M4 Aqua is not on the list as I have posted earlier. I do not have any specific information regarding the devices not featured on the list. Slightly_frowning_Face 


Hi, I am working with Qualcomm and it's funny to read your solutions. The chipset is fully loaded with WiFi and volte calling. It's a matter of updating software libraries and codes to enable hd calling which rather Sony won't do just that people would buy new phones. I am sorry, your solutions don't make any sense here. It's like someone asking you if their phone supports mp3 playback and you are asking them to contact network operator.


I am sorry to say that I do not have any additional available information regarding this aside from the posts I've made previously. To my knowledge, M4 Aqua does not support VoLTE - but I do not have more specifics than that.

I thank you for your feedback and will be sure to forward it internally as always!


Is M4 Aqua Volte Device 

If not how can I start Volte Feature 


Hi @Ajay24,

Please see this thread about VoLTE on the M4 Aqua.



Hello dear emir 

im facing an issue after wifi issue.

the issue is i have no LTE signals on new update marshmallow.

when im in lollipop, my 4G was fine. im update the firmware with my 4G connection after updated there is no signals and doesn't match 

 it's new issue on new update Marshmallow 

i have change my simcard in other device, the 4G was fine and got no problem.

Overall I can't change WCDMA(3G) to GSM(2G) or WCDMA(3G) to lte(4G)

please help what should i do, because in lollipop i have got no issue with 4G connection.

my device: xperia m4 e2333


It's high time Sony should avail VoLTE support in their new phones as Jio trend is at high pace... So as to retain their valued and loyal customer they should do the same...Also because of the unreliability of jio4g voice application, it has become the primary need. So please take a note of it and do the needful. Reply me soon...

Not enabled my mobile please enable my device  Sony Xperia dual m4 aqua e2363