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Nfc on Xperia e5603 m5 not working after marshmallow upgrade


Nfc on Xperia e5603 m5 not working after marshmallow upgrade

Hi. I have an m5 Xperia. I use an app called librelink to manage my diabetes. Librelink allows me to scan a freestyle libre sensor installed on my body. I was running Android 5 and the app worked fine. I upgraded to marshmallow android 6 last Saturday. Immediately the app stopped being able to scan the sensor and read it. I tried reinstalling the app and it still would not scan. So on Sunday I undertook a full reset. I again reinstalled librelink and it still does not work.

I have switched nfc on and Android beam is on. However occasionally I get an error message whilst the app is open saying nfc is not enabled even though in the settings it is saying it is.

I have tried other apps that do a similar thing to librelink called glimp and liapp and these also will not scan using nfc.

Anyone got any ideas?
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Hi, I have the same Problem. Have you any results?

Greets moonshaker


Has anyone a solution today for that Problem. Sony tells NFC is working as Beam is working fine with a Photo between Sony and Samsung Phones...