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4K streaming not available

4K streaming not available

Hi, can someone help me please I have the KDAF965 tv.. For some reason when I try purchase 4K movies via Google play or Rakuten TV, I am not getting the 4K option anymore where previously I have. The max resolution is HD. I have contacted Sony and they have replied it's not their fault but the apps.. Its ironic that both dont offer the option at the same time. Is anyone else having this problem or can you help please with some trouble shooting ideas. I have reset TV but hasn't made a difference. Thank in advance 

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Owner of a late 2018 KD55XF9005 Sony TV here also, it is baffling that there is such a recent cutoff of supported models given that right after 2019, everything went up with manufacturing and product releases.


I was disappointed to find the Rakuten TV app would only output stereo and not 5.1 surround sound. Let alone 4k video or HDR from it. Then I went to try out the streaming site of theirs in Chrome through a connected 4k gaming PC and it didn't output 5.1 or 4k there either.


I then went to look to see if they had an app on the PS4 Pro/PS5.. nope. Guess I will just have to find other ways to watch the films I want to watch until they fix this ☠️☠️
Community Team

Hey ROBYER1, isn't that related to Rakuten more than it's to the TV? Or do you have the same issue with other apps?

I acknowledge this issue is not with Sony or the TV itself but with Rakuten, I'm going to go and badger their support team at Rakuten and if anything comes of it, I will share back here.

I have opened Rakuten support case: #190630
Community Team

Hey ROBYER1, thank you for keeping the thread updated.