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May be you are a looser, no one has same problems. As in my country say: you couldn't find your **bleep** with both hands ... (у тебя руки из жопы)
I'm sorry to hear that you experience issues.
I'm not sure which keyboard you are referring too. At the market I'm located at (Nordic market) there is no keyboard included for Xperia Tablet Z. The things that are included for a unit/accessory can depend on market too. As far as I know, there are no charger included for the charging dock (SGPDS5 Cradle) but you can use the charger that was included for your Tablet Z.
What is the phone model that you are using and how are you transferring files between your Tablet Z and the phone? What happens when you try to transfer a file? Any error messages or similar?
Regarding the bluetooth issue, have you tried to connect your Tablet Z to different bluetooth units? A headset/another keyboard or similar? Are you connected to a Wi-Fi network while using the Bluetooth keyboard? If you experience the same issue with other Bluetooth devices a technican might examine your unit.
Otherwise, just like you said, wait for the KitKat update to see if this update can fix the issues that you are experiencing.
Unfortunatley I don't have access to any other BT units. I have read about people having issues with WiFi and BT being on at the same time so have experimented around that with no joy. I have had the tablet replaced and my experience is the same. This tells me it's more than likely a software issue.
So my Xpensive tablet will just have to sit about in the hopes it might get fixed with the next round of updates, whenever that might be. At least it will be sitting in its nice new dock, which seems to not charge via USB port and must be plugged into the main charger.
4.4 arrived for my phone! Excellent!
3 days and about 18 restarts later, all my apps keep crashing and my keyboard is taking an average of 3 mins to load.
I'm done Sony, never again. Thanks for all the help and recommendations, really outdid yourselves here in the support forum.
My tablet works fine, none of the software has problems and it interacts with all my other hardware perfectly. I don't understand why a 5 week old table only had 4.22 installed though.