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Disney+ App - no Dolby 5.1 output

I've got the new Disney+ app now it's here in the UK, been watching stuff on it fine. I noticed last night though I'm not getting 5.1 Dolby sound on anything I stream, despite the shows being available with it. There's no options so to speak, as it automatically transmits in the highest grade it can, or so it seems.


I had an online chat with their support yesterday, and it seems to be an issue with their app, not my hardware - other apps such as Amazon Prime and Netflix work perfectly on the same settings, giving me 5.1. Disney is only in stereo however.


Strangely enough, after deleting and reinstalling the app as they suggested, when streaming an episode of The Mandalorian, for the first second or two it was showing as in 5.1 on my home theatre, but then reverted to 2.0. The tech guy has reported this problem up a level, and acknowledged that it seems a widespread issue from a quick google search.


Anyone else having the issue or come up with a fix?

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