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Zur Info für Nutzer, die ein Update auf der a7r iii oder a7 iii machen wollen und sich wundern,
dass auf der entsprechenden Seite keine Möglichkeit zum Herunterladen der Firmware geboten wird.
Die Firmware 2.0 verursachte zum Teil Fehler, so dass bis Mitte Dezmber eine neue Firmware bereitgestellt werden soll. Die bisher zur Verfügung gestellte Firmware ist nicht mehr verfügbar.
December 7, 2018
Sony Corporation
Sony Imaging Products & Solutions Inc.
Notification of system software updates for customers using the α7R III (ILCE-7RM3) and α7 III (ILCE-7M3) interchangeable lens digital cameras
As always, thank you for using Sony products.
The following issues may occur with our α7R III and α7 III interchangeable lens digital cameras.
In rare cases, your α7R III or α7 III model may stop functioning while writing RAW data onto an SD card that has already been used multiple times.
Note: This may also cause abnormalities in the files managing the images, preventing the images from displaying on the camera. No image data in the memory card will be corrupted or deleted aside from data that was being written at the time the interruption occurred. If images no longer display on the camera, follow the steps below to use "Recover Image DB."
Select MENU → (Setup) → [Recover Image DB] → desired memory card slot → [Enter].
Then, when taking a picture, back up the data on a PC or other device, and format the memory card on your camera.
With the α7R III, taking a picture while using the Auto Review function may occasionally cause the camera to stop responding.
We will provide system software responding to the above issues in mid-December. Until then, please take the following precautions. Note that while we are preparing to provide new system software, we will no longer offer the current system software as an update.
Before taking any pictures, format the memory cards in both slots on the camera, or use a new memory card.
Ensure the Auto Review function is off when taking pictures.
We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused to customers using the affected products. We hope you will continue to support Sony products.