Who Me Too'd this topic


Are you a "robot" ?

It has become  even more difficult to log in to the community site .

This is a direct result of the " i am not a robot" procedure .

Many members , including myself , are concidering to leave this Sony community for ever

I'm working on these puzzles  knowing that i have done it right, nevertheless new puzzles pops up .

This is making the login a negative experience. Especially when you often are logged out for no reason .and have to go through the same time consuming login procedure again . Time  is  pricey for some of us  .

There  is a saying : the customer is  allways right , but apparently  not here .

If you ar not able to make this community site more user friendly i'm afraid the site will disappear in the long term .

I'm told that it's data security that's the reason why this "robot"   procedure was introduced , but i'm sure there's a more user friendly way to do it .

I was  surpriced the first time that i saw the new community and hoped that it would be better  than the predecessor . It soon turned out to be an illusion . There are illogical and incomprehensible matters to deal with in the site .

Instead of beeing  more difficult it should be easier for us non data experts .

I strongly suggest that you start listening to what the members feel about this new community site , i's after all the members that uses the site .








Who Me Too'd this topic