Share your experience!
Hello Everyone. Just wanted to raise the topic about the Sony's relationship with it's customers.. I want to start with a letter which I've sent them several days ago, and guess? -NO ANSWER..So this is the letter itself:
"I've got a F-series laptop. A week ago I decided to follow your advice and update bios for this mode (VPC-F11Z1E)l to prevent the overheating issue. The computer got frozen during the the process. I turned it off and later it never turned on againg. I brought it to the specialist, who advised me to change the motherboard. My warranty just expired 2 weeks ago and now I've got a laptop bought for £1400 which has to be repaired costing me £600 extra (have checked from the authorised sony repairer). Do you think it is the right thing and I can trust Sony brand and rely on a quality. My experience shows opposite. How can you prove that you are a trustworthy brand? Do you really care about the image of the company and your customers loyalty level and their opinion about Sony? I'm sure your PR team has a clear understanding that negative feedback spreads with triple effect comparing to positive. At the moment I'm very disappointed and frustrated, feeling cheated and not respected as a customer. I'm not even saying about the goodwill which all socially responsible companies have. How can you improve the situation? How the laptop can be repaired? Will look forward to hearing from you soon."
Did anybody have similar situations and feeling? Do you have something to say about customer support or the product we buying bringing the company huge revenues? At the the moment I've got the feeling that we, who buy are needed only befere the transaction made and we paid the money....after that we can forget about any reasonable support. SONY wake up! Browse in google about yourself and will find a lot of interesting what people think about the quality and response..
Any comments are welcome, if you have an opinion, sound it
Have you actually spoken to someone at Vaio Support about this? It is not clear if you have used the usual support channel. If so did they give you a Case Number?
Just out of interest, who and at what address did you send this letter to?