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Losing network connection after sleep

Losing network connection after sleep

My NR10E/S running Windows Vista Home Premium is connected to a cable modem via its network card and CAT5 cable. The connection works OK until the laptop goes into sleep mode. When it wakes it has lost the network connection and I have to reboot it to go online. When the connection is there, the system tray icon says "Currently connected to Network 2, Access: Local and Internet". After waking from sleep the icon says "Currently connected to unidentified network, Access: Local only".
I have tried going into Device Manager, right-clicking on the network card and unchecking "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" but it made no difference.
If I go into the Network Sharing Center, Manage network connections, I only see "Local Area Connection - Access to Local only" and "Wireless Network Connection - not connected" I don't yet have a wireless router so I can't try that. I've tried running "Diagnose and repair" from the Systray icon but it failed every time. I've also tried disable/enable Local Area Network from Control Panel > Network & Sharing Center > Manage Network Connections without success. If I get a command prompt and do ipconfig /release it disconnects, but when I do ipconfig/renew it says "An error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection: unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has timed out". When I swap the CAT5 cable over to my desktop, running XP Home, ipconfig /release - ipconfig/renew work OK.
It seems that I need to reboot the laptop every time to restore the network connection after it sleeps.
I would appreciate any advice about retaining the internet connection during the sleep – wake mode of operating.


Hi pictup and welcome to Club Vaio.

Try this Microsoft fix it may help: -

Unfortunately, there have been a few ongoing problems with Vista's Networking!!!


Thank you for the response. I followed the advice on the Microsoft link, but it says "click the (GUID) subkey that corresponds to the network adapter that is connected to the network."

Unfortunately there are three {GUIDES) under the Interfaces subkey and I don't know which applies to my network adapter. The GUIDES are:
(1) {065EF4B3-A805-44C1-BE8E-B761BEFE5AFB}
(2) {3a539854-6a70-11db-887c-806e6f6e6963}
(3) {808E30BC-1DA5-4992-BC60-0B9F0AF50CD1}

I've looked in Device Manager and Manage network Connections but I can't see anything that relates to the Registry entries. Also I don't understand why there are three GUIDES when I only have two devices to connect to the Net i.e. a network card and a wireless card.

Can you please help?

I think the best way is to right-click on each {GUID} and highlight IP or DHCP then choose Modify to read the data. Look for the Key that gives the IP address/DHCP Server Address currently in use by your Network.

If in doubt, amend all three!


I wasn't sure so I amended all three, but no change. I then did what the MS fix says further down the page and set DhcpConnForceBroadcastFlag to 0 for all three. Still no change so I left the last change in and went back to DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle and set all three to 0. Still the same – after the laptop sleeps I have to reboot it to get a network connection.

I've just managed to fix it by uninstalling the driver for the network card and then rebooting the laptop so the Vista installed the generic driver. It's now OK. I don't know why I didn't try that before.

Have tried everything. Only thing that finaly worked is uninstall the driver and deleting driver files and then reinstalling it.