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L Series recovery problem

L Series recovery problem

My machine has crashed when I used a USB port to connect up a camcorder, now I can't re boot because the wireless connection isn't live so my keyboard wont work, I need it to re boot in windows safe mode but can't before the count down has ended otherwise I get locked out.

How can I overcome the lack of a wireless connection, I have tried with a USB keyboard, but there is no power to the keyboard.


I've got a similar problem and have just sent an email to Sony Support asking for help. THis might help as a workaround until you get a definitive fix - and me I hope !

In my case I switched the PC on is morning and the cursor was frozen - I immediately thought that the battery needed replacing and did that but no joy. I used the touch screen to click on the area at the top of the screen to show the Sony menu. I piulled the on screen keyboard onto the screen and used that to enter my password and log on.

I then went in to the Control Panel and clicked on the Devices and Printers and noticed that there was a warning sign against the Computer. I clicked on Troubleshoot and saw that it had identified a problem with the "Renasas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller" and clicked on "Apply this fix" which resulted in a driver being updated. The troubleshooter identified a second problem with the Intel Chipset and again I clicked on "Apply this fix"

The net result was that I managed to massage the PC back to life and the keyboard and mouse started to work again.

The bad news is that after shutting the PC down I had the same problem and had to go through the same process.

It might be worth a shot !