
TV Sony 50w829

Hi, I have recently purchased a Sony TV 50W892 and have an issue with the motionflow selection. Options of "Clear" & "Clear plus" are deemed to be best for daytime & nightime viewing resp. On selecting the "Clear" option the picture goes dim compared to when its on Standard option. On selecting "Clear plus" it goes even dimmer. Is this expected? Adjusting other settings to compensate for this does not work. Can anyone please advise. Thanks, Gary

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Hi there


Unfortunately this is correct.  This is why I personally leave MotionFlow on Standard - besides, I cannot tell much difference between them (other than the brightness being dimmer).


Each of the Motionflow settings does things slighly different - unfortunately it is not exactly clear exactly what each does.  Therefore if you are happy the picture on standard, leave it on that.  Many others use True Cinema too.




Thanks, I'll give that a go.

I'm finding the "black" defintion isnt great ie sometimes we just see an area of black e.g someone wearing a black suit you dont see the detail. Any tips?

Thanks again, Gary

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Try setting the following in the Advanced Picture Settings area:


Black Corrector = Medium
Adv. Contrast Enhancer = Medium


And see if that makes a difference?




I am also having issues with this tv... It boasts topnotch picture quality but im am finding it hard to get the settings right.. I also notice some small juddering watching hd channels amost like its out of sync. ( ie. when someone turns their heads it judders rather than a smooth motion)


I have mine set to cinema and also true cinema.. everything else is off.. 

Dont get me wrong some scenes look fantastic and full of detail but just not perfect.. 

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Hi, thanks for your message. Having use dthe TV now for couple of weeks Im finding Ive settled in to it. We have standard setting for the picture mode as I couldnt deal with the dimness of the clear settings which are apparently supposed to be the best choice for general viewing (according to one review I read). We have the motionflow also on standard & have not noticed any juddering. My other settings are mostly medium but ~75% on backlight & contrast. I still have some issue with the blackness (maybe Im expecting too much!?) and the sound variation. Sometimes the sound (speaking volume/clarity) )drops a bit on certain programmes & definatelyy on films. Ive not done any tinkering on sound so would appreciate any commetns from anyone on this.. 

Best regards, Gary 

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Hi there


Not sure on the blackness though.  Other than playing around with the advanced settings as I stated about (re Adv Black Corrector etc), you could lower general blacklight/brightness - but this all depends on you and your viewing.  I think its about reaching a happy medium though.  If your watching TV in pure darkness you will see issues with blackness, advice turning on a lamp or alternative lighting.  One thing people use sometimes is something called Bias Lighting.  A strip of LED lights at the back of the TV - which 'fools' your eyes.  Search Amazon for that.



If your noticing a difference in volume between SD channels to HD channels (mainly when HD channels are broadcasting in 5.1 DD (ie mainly movies) - this is normal.  You can experiment with the sound settings on the TV.  Suggest using Standard for Sound Mode. Also try setting Advanced Auto Volume to Normal - and see how that goes.


An explaination of sound settings are:




I have also settled into my tv an had to accept that its not going to get any sharper than I have it.. but one think thats is really driving me nuts are the blacks and shadows.. I can see loads of  dark greyclouds on dark areas ( not sure on the technical term) and although I can reduce the brightness a bit to ease it slightly its still bloody annoying .. I now have my contrast at 90 and brightness at 45 in order for blacks to look black but i cant see detail in these areas no.. I think its as good as the tv will show but for a 700£ tv i did expect good black levels if nothing else. Saying that my xbox one looks truly fantastic.. crisp. clear and very detailed pictures compared to my last tv which was a cheap lg plasma


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Hi there


If you search google images for "TV Clouding" or "Dirty Screen Effect" (DSE), does your TV look like that?  If so, you might want to contact your retailer and see if you can get an exchange.


You will notice it on dark scenes mostly.  Unfortunately some sets are worse or better than others, and its the nature of LCD panels.  But its hard to know if its bad or unacceptable - only you can be the judge of that I think.

