SIM Network unlocking problem


SIM Network unlocking problem

I have a problem to unlock network on my Sony Xperia M4 Aqua.

- I checked *#*#SERVICE#*#* meny (*#*#7378423#*#*) - SIM lock:
[o] Network 5
[x] Network subset 0
[x] Service provider 0
[x] Corporate 0
[x] SIM 0

- Because Network > 0 I bought unlocking code (as it was the instruction).

- I put foreign SIM card in the phone, but sim lock message not appeared on the screen (like without SIM card). After many thinking and checking other option I found (analogy with SERVICE syntax) that *#*#SIMLOCK#*#* (*#*#7465625#*#*) can open Simlock options. For Network stayed that is "Locked" (Everything else was Unlocked: Network subset, Service Provider, Corporate, and SIM), I tap on it, and I get field to put my unlocking code and information that I have 5 attempts. I put the code, and status of Network changed to Unlocked (as everything else).

- SIM card still not work and service menu show me:
[x] Network 0
[x] Network subset 0
[x] Service provider 0
[x] Corporate 0
[x] SIM 0

Now I'm confused. What is truth?

p.s. Foreign SIM card working normal on other phone.



Where did you get the code to unlock the phone? did you flashed the phone (flashtool or Xperifirm)?


I get code from one checked local internet service for mobile phones. I alredy bought earlier from them.
Phone not flashed. It's brand new.

Problem solved.

Not problem in telephone, device was unlocked corectly, but it is problem in 4G SIM card which has problem only with some device model. SIM card was replaced by operater.


Great to hear that it's working now.


Dear Support,

I contact you because I want to know how to reset my counter for unlock my phone Xperia M4 Aqua (E2306)

I checked *#*#SERVICE#*#* meny (*#*#7378423#*#*) - SIM lock:
[o] Network Unlimited/255
[x] Network subset 0
[x] Service provider 0
[x] Corporate 0
[x] SIM 0

The people who I'm asking for the code told me that I need to ask for a reset because it's locked and the code it doesnt work so, Is it possible to unlock my phone? Is it possible to reset this counter?


Translation via Google Translate:

Good afternoon I have the same problem and they gave me the code to release the equipment but at the time of entering it I see that it is incorrect and I already have sim card from another company that I could not use

Buenas tardes tengo el mismo problema ya me dieron el código para liberar el equipo pero al momento de introducirlo me aparece que es incorrecto y ya tengo sim card de otra compañía que no he podido usar