M4 Ram issue, shows only 883 MB...


M4 Ram issue, shows only 883 MB...

the problem is that after  I update my mobile to Marshmallow (2 month after )the phone lost 1 GB of RAM and became only 883 MB. it must be 1.8 giga I have tried every way to download SoftWare from the Sony Companion program but not solved.


No need to change motherboard.. not lollipop, mm cause that problem. The problem inside slot of SD card. here kind of oppose haben between SD card and ram storage in motherboard. At Once this giga gone. If you try to put and out put SD card while device is on then turn off. Wait 5 second and turn on again. Repeat 2 or 3 time your giga will come back... That's exactly what happen with me


seems like you don't understand very well English.. i said i lost the 1 GB of ram on Lollipop not on MM.. after i lost it i did the update in hope it would fix the problem. Everything started with restarts, then was impossible to make calls, was loosing the network, wasn't detecting the sim cards and so on.. and i'll repeat myself again... i don't have SD card.. so SD card can't be the problem.. and if you thought that would fix my 'missing' 1 GB of ram by installing.. then power off etc. i haven't tried, and also i'm not optimistic that it would get fix


It seems too much of us are facing this lost of RAM issue since the last update! (writing from France sorry for my english)

I only own my xperia M4 aqua for the last two years and already payed for xperia care to change my screen last year.

Is there any users or customers group somewhere or to create in order to make sony recognizes this issue?

- please Sony try to quickly fix it


- Please Sony if you can't fix it,  refund or send us a new xperia m4 aqua, give us a least a 50% off on a new device.

A very disappointed user that surely never buy an xperia anymore nor telling good to around me, social networks or forums if Sony doesn't do anything.