It does not turn on


It does not turn on

 Hola mi sony no enciende, recién lo moje ya que se dice que es resistente al agua, funciono unos cuantos minutos y después se apago. Solo enciende en el logo y se apaga de nuevo 

Hello my sony does not turn on, I just wet it since it is said to be water resistant, it worked a few minutes and then it turned off. Just turn on the logo and it goes off again



Hi @Polesin, welcome to our forum and I'm sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Your question has been translated to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English.

Do I understand correctly that when you are trying to boot up the device, you see the Xperia logo and then the device turns off again? If that is correct, try performing a software repair using Xperia Companion as it does sound like the device has entered a bootloop.

Do note that this repair will delete all data stored on the internal storage of the device and since it can't be booted up and unlocked, you will not be able to create a backup.

If you still can't boot up the device correctly after performing the software repair, get in touch with your Local support team and they will arrange a repair for you so a technician can examine your device.

Let me know how it goes!