Sub-woofer sound level

Sub-woofer sound level

How do I adjust the sub-woofer sound level? It is far too 'heavy' and booms. The Operating Instructions (p68GB) says I can do it, but it doesn't say how! My model is DAV-DZ330

Message was edited by: geek01


On the page you quote it says to go into the Test Tone setting and select ON so you hear a tone from each speaker.

Then you use the up & down arrow keys on the remote to select each speaker in turn until you get to the subwoofer, then use the right arrow key to display the current level, then the up & down keys to adjust the level, then the middle key to confirm desired level, then you turn off the Test Tone setting.

If turning down the level of the subwoofer doesn't help you achieve a sound you're comfortable with, you might find moving the sub within the room will help, e.g. having it in the corner of a room may cause it to sound boomy.

Thanks for that.

I did indeed progress from that page and found the key sequence by trial and error. The sound is much better now, but I am interested in what you also say about the speaker may being boomy in the corner of the room. I must try that although there is not really anywhere else I can put it.

Yeah that's the problem when we're fitting home surround sound into an everyday living space.

Dolby Laboratories' tip on subwoofer placement is to temporarily place the sub at your seated position, then play some bass heavy content and walk around the room until you hear the best bass sound.   Move the sub to that positon in the room as its permanent location.  That's an interesting tip, although it wouldn't be practical in my living room layout, it might in yours.

Another factor is what the sub is standing on; whether it's coupled or isolated from a wooden floor etc.  I have mine sitting on a bit of granite, but you could experiment.

There's a fair bit of info available on the web if you search for something like 'subwoofer placement'.  I would say not to get too hung-up on the experts 'correct' placement and levels though, it's all about what works best for you in your room.