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home theater system locked-up / frozen during an update!!.

home theater system locked-up / frozen during an update!!.

hi im starting to loose my patience with sony!!! absolute crap support.!!

i have a sony bdv-n590.. on the 6th ofthis month sony relased a software update... whist updating the system froze... no pic on screen. all the lights on the unit are on a steady flash ... the only  remote button thatresponds is the power button .. wich just turns it on then it says wlcome and flicks onto bl/dvd and flashes???? ive tried unplugging and restarting no joy... i called sony everyday for a week with them saying their system is down and will call back after 6 wich never happened.. and when they did answer they just passed me on... no clue or any kind of support... my unit is less than a year old and now will only be repaired free if i can find my proof of purchase... even though its sonys stupid update that has messed up my system.... wish i never bought a sony.

does anyone know how to fix this? i have a disc inside so cant even put the old update disc in?


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Have you tried switching it off at the plug then on again after 3mins then when the system boots up press stop and reject at the same time to get the disc out see if this works.As to system freeze try updating again via the network update in settings.I have mine downloading via sky broadband and wifi and not had a freeze on downloading make sure your internet is not cutting out.


Neues Mitglied

Hello there, Did you every resolve this issue? I am in the exact same senario 😞 Any help yould be appreciated!




Nicht anwendbar

Hi there


Can you reply back with the model number of the DVD/Bluray player and any further details that may help?



It would be nice if someone from Sony's non-existant technical support visited these forums once in a while to assist users with these issues!


I had much the same problem when updating my STR-DN1040 receiver. The update seemed to download ok but then the unit switched itself off and remained off for some 10 minutes or more! The power light was blinking which made me think something was happening but I did get very close to phoning customer support for help as there was no real indication that anything was really happening. I even got close to pulling the mains lead out at one point hoping that would help.


Thankfully, I left the unit for a while and eventually it re-booted and all was well.


I think Sony should add a statement to the manual to notify customers exactly how long an update will take to apply, not simply leave them guessing. A lack of information here leads to people pulling the power plug in frustration because they think nothing is happening.

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

Hi MK_Slinky.

I think in this case, but this is only my opinion, that you’re wrong! Let’s see what I mean…

You wrote:


It would be nice if someone from Sony's non-existant technical support visited these forums once in a while to assist users with these issues!

Forums like this Community is all about the same! On forums you can find (quite always ?) only users!

If you want a technical support from Sony’s Support Staff it’s so easy. Just contact them



Then you wrote: 

I had much the same problem when updating my STR-DN1040 receiver. The update seemed to download ok but then the unit switched itself off and remained off for some 10 minutes or more! The power light was blinking which made me think something was happening but I did get very close to phoning customer support for help as there was no real indication that anything was really happening. I even got close to pulling the mains lead out at one point hoping that would help.


Thankfully, I left the unit for a while and eventually it re-booted and all was well.


I think Sony should add a statement to the manual to notify customers exactly how long an update will take to apply, not simply leave them guessing. A lack of information here leads to people pulling the power plug in frustration because they think nothing is happening.


From Sony’s Support Site (Firmware update for STR-DN1040):

How to make sure the update goes smoothly

Updating is usually very simple. Here's how you can make sure it goes right first time:

-Read the instructions carefully or you could end up damaging your AV Receiver

-Don't turn the AV Receiver off - or disconnect it from the power - while it's updating.

-Don't press any buttons, except the ones mentioned in the instructions…


…The update has been going for over 40 minutes and hasn't finished

1.Disconnect the AC power cord from the mains, then reconnect it after several minutes.

2.The AV Receiver will update the software automatically.
Still not working? Please
contact Sony Customer Support …”


I’m really sorry…




Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)

Hi Jan,


LOL! 'Wrong' is my middle name! Seriously though I appreciate you taking the opportunity to apologise, it really wasn't necessary. :slight_smile:


If I may quote your own quote:


"Forums like this Community is all about the same! On forums you can find (quite always ?) only users!"


Strictly speaking this statement is not entirely true, my welcome email I received from Sony after registering on this forum reads as follows:

"Sony – some of the team from Sony may also pop in and say hi from time to time – keep your eyes peeled"!


Personally I have not noticed anyone from Sony saying hi. Presumably saying hi would be pretty pointless unless they were also going to offer advice at some point?! However this is not a problem, I merely quote the plethora of unhappy customers who are having bad service from Customer/Technical Support. If you read through some of the other posts in these forums you will get the picture. If I might also add, having now been a member for only about a week now I am shocked at the lack of real community support there is on this site. I've read a number of posts which are over a year old now and not one person has offered advice or support. I get the feeling that this forum is either quite small or has very few users. I may be wrong, this is just my opinion.


You mentioned also that it's easy to get customer support, I'm sure someone will find the link you provided useful. :slight_smile: My recent experience of customer support was certainly not what I had hoped for, I made an enquiry about iPod tracks stopping after around 40 minutes playback time. Firstly the person who replied was not based in the UK and had limited English. That person just asked me to provide details of the equipment I owned. Furthermore my enquiry was then passed to someone else who clearly couldn't be bothered to read my enquiry or provide any kind of an intelligent reply! All I did get was a link for some unrelated Sony products. I then had to re-contact customer support to ask why they hadn't bothered to read or reply to my questions. Even then their response was not very supportive. Quoting the manual is quite insulting when you have a legitimate question and just shows that the person giving advice really doesn't know any better. Fortunately however, thanks to some useful ideas from Quinnicus and my own testing I was able to diagnose the issue myself, eventually.


No doubt someone will also find your last two paragraphs useful. Unfortunately as is very often the case when people are updating devices such as DVD players/AV Receivers they're sat in front of a TV and so reading online information is not always practical, hence my comment about including a statement in the user manual to forewarn people. Not that it would help some people. For me personally when I unpacked my STR-DN1040 one of the first things I did during setup was update the firmware. I had no idea how long the update would take or any knowledge of the existence of this forum.


Please be aware that I made the comments I did on this post simply to help those who were experiencing update issues themselves. I merely wanted to point out that the updates can take quite a considerable time to complete and for that reason they should avoid panicking and pulling out the mains lead. Perhaps you misunderstood my original comments?


Oh well not to worry, lets just hope the people here who are struggling find some of the information useful.



The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

I have the same Problem as the OP.

Did anyome manage to solve this issue?

Neues Mitglied

Any solution to this? My BDV E2100 does the same thing