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SONY HAP-Z1ES latest firmware 19226 bug

SONY HAP-Z1ES latest firmware 19226 bug

I have connected to usb an external hdd 16tb and with latest firmware the player stops playing suddenly and starts the track from the beginning.  That happens only to flac file randomnly and after transfering music to the player. When i restart the player then it plays wonderfully for hours without any issue.


Hello Joe Dohn,

I have the final conclusion. 

I began transferring music without listening from the extrenal hdd. 400 files transferred. After transfer was finished  i started to listening music. After 2 albums the issue appeared. The behavior was..... before the track was come to the end and the next track to be loaded seconds before ending the same loop appeared and the track palyed from the begging. With the player on and with safety i disconnected the external hdd and the power of the disk went down and i reconnected the disk and waiting for the player to do the usual staff of mounting and etc.

The issue was there even after disconnecting-reconnecting the external hdd or even transferring without lisrening to the disk and from the disk.

Only restart of the player makes this issue go away.

Conclusion: After transferring music there is something going on with the player's high usage resources

and the os of the player doesn't do a refreshing to stop the high usage.

That's why my conclusion is the firmware's bug. That was not an issue on previous versions.

Waiting for you thoughts.

This may still be caused by a software glitch or corrupted settings file for example. Have you tried resetting it to factory settings and then trying to transfer again?

Maybe you're right. No i didn't try to reset because of the time that i would need to tranfer all the files all over again.I would wait to purchase another external hdd 16tb and then i'll do the reset.

The flac files was an issue for previous firmware updates and maybe there is a newer update to solve once and for all the flac files issues.

Thank you Joe Dohn for your support.

My best regards
