Sony Bravia EPG language issue


Sony Bravia EPG language issue

Bought Sony Bravia KDL-50W755C. Very annoyed to see it has the same problem with the EPG as my almost 10 years old Bravia. I live in Finland but want to use my TV menu in English because my wife speaks it. This switches the EPG guide to Swedish which I don't speak and it bugs the hell out of me. I've tried in the settings to choose audio and subtitle 1. language Finnish and 2. language Enlish but it doesn't help.


What is weird is that some channels show Finnish program info but most of them are in Swedish. And what I've heard this is pretty common issue in TV's, some people said that even if you set even the menu language in Finnish the problem still occurs. Finland is officially a two language country but most of us (80%) doesn't speak Swedish.


If there is some kind of trick for this to make it work please share. Figured it would be very easy to fix sotfware-wise but Sony just doesn't seem to care.

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I think this is not possible through a normal procedure since Android does not have Regional Settings similar to Windows.

There is a possibility to manage through Developer Functions:


After enabling there is an option inside settings to Allow Mock Locations.

I tried to do so but although I selected a YES, this remained a NO, even after reboot.

I don't know much of Developer Functions but I am working on this since yesterday.

Maybe someone inside this forum can help you resolve.



I live in Finland too and having exactly the same issue with the guide. I got in touch with Sony support and they wanted me to do update the software to the latest and perform a factory rest after which the menu language should be set to Finnish.


Well I had the latest software already installed but I did not want to lose all the setting and apps already installed.


So in short I am going to live with this nonsense and I might (just might) learn a few Swedish words in the process which I'll never use.


Good luck!



Here is the actual response by Sony support:


Kiitos yhteydenotosta Sony tuotetukeen.

Mikä ohjelmistoversio televisiossa on? Television ohjelmistoversio löytyy painamalla HOME ja valitsemalla Ohje. Televisiossa tulisi olla ohjelmisto PKG3.395. Jos televisiossa on vanhempi versio, tulee televisioon asentaa uusin ohjelmisto, jonka löydät osoitteesta:


Päivityksen jälkeen televisiolle suositellaan tehdasasetusten palautusta:

1. Paina HOME
2. Mene alaspäin valikossa kohtaan Asetukset
3. Valitse kohta Tallennustila & nollaus
4. Valitse Tehdasasetusten palautus
5. Valitse Poista kaikki
* Jos televisioon on asetettu PIN-koodi, tätä kysytään tehdasasetusten palautuksen yhteydessä.
Teksti on englanniksi. Kuvat selkeyttävät toimintoa.
Uusimman ohjelmiston ja tehdasasetustenpalautuksen jälkeen televisiossa tulisi olla suomenkielinen ohjelmaopas. Tehdasasetusten yhteydessä on valittava valikonkieleksi suomi.



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Still having the same issue in December 2019. Surely this could have been fixed in three years? Very annoying. 

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