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no sound unable to get sound on samsung soundbar connected by arc to Bravia xe9305 arc port

no sound unable to get sound on samsung soundbar connected by arc to Bravia xe9305 arc port

      has anyone managed to connect thier XE93 to a samsung  soundbar using ARC?

 ive gt a bravia XE 9305 andam trying to  connect it to a samsung  HW MS650  soundbar using  the ARC ports on the bravia and the soundbar but am not getting any sound. ive configured the tv to  pass the sound control to and external device but still  am not geting any sound  passed to the soundbar. it works when i  use bluetooth and pair them  but I  cant get it  to work using ARC, any ideas?





Thanks, but three dots where? (I’m on an iPad)

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

 thanks Roya brown 2 but  you long winded reply to my solution will just confuse matters .

basically Samsung   seem to refer to CEC as Anynet+

Sony have referred to it as Bravia sync on thier Bravia tv's so if you have a Samsung soundbar and are  not getting  sound if you connect the bravia to the bar using arc then its because you  havent  enabled anynet+ on your  Samsung soundbar then  make sure its turned on. when you then connect the HDMI cable to the Sony Bravia TV you will get prompted to say  do you want  to enable Bravia  sync say  yes to this. and you can then later  go into the  bravia sync settings and  decide if you want the Tv  to turn the bar on  or off and if you want to be able to control the volume of the soundbar using the Tv's remote too. Ihope this helps because both Samsung and Sony were    pretty clueless when I tried to get  help  from them to fix this

Hello @royabrown2,


I just noticed that the "menu-bar" is broken on the mobile site.


I will notify @Peter_S. about this issue, since he needs to look into this.


- Nic

Just a suggestion but instead of  hijacking this thread  can  you start  one about the menu bar being broken because  that has nothing to do with this particular  thread or issue ??

That’s OK, @romipat 


I shan’t be troubling your thread any more, or indeed any thread you start.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

 your call  btw you wernt offering any suggestions or help, you hijacked a thread and started talking about a  completely different and unrelated issue which is not good  etiquette. I merely   suggested thst  you start a new thread about that issue. You've obviously taken some sort of offence to my courteous suggestion and I  cant help or  change that so that's fine.



(I know I am breaking my promise by replying, but.....)


You asked a thing of me, and I went much further than you asked in promising never to darken your threads again. Which ought to make you happy, shouldn’t it?


And no I didn’t take offence at your courteous suggestion. But if you review the thread, you might find your earlier discourtesy to me, relating to an on-topic post of mine.


Though even there, I did not take offence; just noted, sadly, that further discussion with you was unlikely to be profitable for either of us 😞


Though, as ever, we must remember that the thread will likely by read by others, now and in the future; and I may hope that they find something of value in what I posted, even though you didn’t.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…