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KD55XD7005BU behaving badly with Sky Q


KD55XD7005BU behaving badly with Sky Q

I have had a Sony KD55W829B for almost 2 years and it has served our family very well and continues to do so without fault.


In August 2016 we had Sky Q installed and our Sky Q system had worked flawlessly until December 2016.


In December 2016 my wife and I decided to buy 2 new TVs, one for the livingroom and one for our sons bedroom. We moved our W829 from the livingroom and re-sited it to the our bedroom. We purchased 1 x KD49XD7005 and 1 x KD55XD7005, the 55 inch model was sited in the livingroom and the 49 inch model was sited in our sons bedroom. Almost from day 1 our Sky Q box began to misbehave, in a nutshell our Sky Q box would become unresponsive, it almost seemed as if the box had entered a loop and could not escape, at exactly the same time the Sky Mini box would fail to discover the Sky Q box. This whole episode has continued since the middle of December 2016.


We have had 3 Sky Q boxes replaced all of which display the same fault, as this problem became coincidental with the arrival of the new TV my wife and I decided to try and swap the 55 inch model with the 49 inch model in our sons room as we believed the 55 inch model may have had a fault, within 12 hours of the swap the Sky Q box continued to misbehave with it being stuck either on or on standby with recordings failing, the only way as before to get service restored was to reset the Sky Q box.


Then around a week ago we mentioned this problem to a friend who repairs both Sony and Panasonic TVs, and he said swap the TV in the livingroom back to the W829 and he said he would bet his house on the problem going away. We did what our friend suggested and for the past week we have not had one single issue with the Sky Q box becoming unresponsive.


Now I'll explain a few things on settings we've altered within the Sky Q box, we have switched Eco mode to none, HDMI control is set to off. Now our issues would occur on the XD7005 regardless of running the Sky Q box on 1080p, 2160p in either 8 bit or 10 bit colour.


Now my problem is I cannot see 3 Sky Q boxes exhibiting the same identical fault, it's simply impossible. And I've also tested 2 identical TVs on the Sky Q box albeit with differing screen sizes and the problem continues to exist, yet when I roll back to my Sony TV of 2 years the problem disappears. This all seems very much a coincidence.


And when I throw into the mix I have a friend who said he would bet his house on the problem going away if I connected my trustworthy 2 year old Sony, my friend also made me aware of various handshaking issues over HDMI which could well be the issue.


The question is when are these problems going to be fixed, because at the moment I'm currently passing my findings onto a girl by the name of Louise in the Sky Chief Executive office. I think someone at Sony and Sky need their heads banging together if I'm being honest.


Also one other issue which seems to be a problem is the banner at the top of the screen, it is displayed and removed by pressing the +i button on the remote, why is it appearing of its own chosing at untimely moments? It will appear at the start of advert break, it will appear when a program returns from an advert break, I've even noticed it appear during a long pause between some scenes within a TV program. 

Not applicable

Hi there


Appologies for the delay in responding.  I think the best thing is that I escalate this to Sony Support.  It seems you have a lot of equipment and it might be simply impossible to diagnose or provide any meaningful help via these community forums.

