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KD-43xf8505 Recording

KD-43xf8505 Recording

I have just bought a KD-43xf8505 Smart Android TV. Initially I found operating the thing a nightmare, but have finally got the hang of it. Most of the help information and manuals are pretty useless.

The sepecification states that the TV has 2 digital tuners, 1 analogue tuner (not much use in the UK) and 2 satellite tuners.

However, when I use the recording facility I can only ever record one program at a time - most recorders with more than one tuner allow you to record two programs at the same time. Is this a 'feature' of the Sony system?

Another issue with recording series programs is that it only uses the initial timings for the series - so if things change the recordings get completely screwed. The system doesn't 'detect' when the programs actually starts and finishes, like most other recorders.

Has anyone else had issues with the recording feature?


The second tuner is used only to view another program (if non encrypted) while recording. What you expect could be nice, but it is not there. Regarding series recording I cannot give you a feedback since there is not such a feature in Italian firmware (nor in the way the EPG is managed by Italian broadcaster).

@AMShieling wrote:

I have just bought a KD-43xf8505 Smart Android TV. Initially I found operating the thing a nightmare, but have finally got the hang of it. Most of the help information and manuals are pretty useless.

The sepecification states that the TV has 2 digital tuners, 1 analogue tuner (not much use in the UK) and 2 satellite tuners.

However, when I use the recording facility I can only ever record one program at a time - most recorders with more than one tuner allow you to record two programs at the same time. Is this a 'feature' of the Sony system?

Another issue with recording series programs is that it only uses the initial timings for the series - so if things change the recordings get completely screwed. The system doesn't 'detect' when the programs actually starts and finishes, like most other recorders.

Has anyone else had issues with the recording feature?

Hi @AMShieling 

It is just a gimmicky add-on. To save yourself a lot of headaches, in my opinion use the TV for watching live and streaming services and buy a Freeview PVR for series link recordings etc. After all the different in price of a PVR and a HDD is not that much. The PVR will give you so many more features.