HELP HDR not working!

HELP HDR not working!

So I bought a Sony af9 not long ago and cannot get HDR to work on my ps4 pro xbox one x even pc .

I have changed the hdmi signal format from standard to enhanced and it recognises it as a hdr 10 tv in the console settings but i cannot get the games or the dashboard to display HDR.

I have forced HDR in the TV settings but it always comes with dark and unsaturated colors.

I have ordered a

UPtab ultra high speed hdmi 2.1

for tomorrow. to see if that helps, otherwise i am not sure what to do tbh



Nic, the hdmi was connected to 2 I shall try 3 .

HDR is detected in ps4 via RGB" and hdr 10" is detected in xbox one x.

The problem is 1: the HDR does not work at all in games Like forza h 4 and when it does by forcing it in remote display settings the games like red dead r 2 have very dark colors.

Dashboard on xbox can display HDR but is very dark again.

Auto" option in display sony settings via remote does not make ANY game go to HDR.

I will try to post pictures.

Still getting no proper HDR ON CONSOLES AND PC


Not sure what to do at this point

You need the game to support HDR

on a console or PC that supports HDR

over a high-speed HDMI cable

into a port on the TV that supports HDR

onto a TV screen that supports HDR


Is each of these requirements met?



My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Yes for example:


Xbox one x Forza Horizon 4

Top Latest hdmi 2.0 cable

port 2/3 for SONY AF9


HDR does not work properly


i.e: I have to change signal format from ENHANCED back to STANDARD  then force HDR ON in display settings, then HDR works in the game but in the options it does NOT recognise HDR.




Thought i'd jump in and also express my concerns with any HDR10 content being played being way too dull and unsaturated.


Oddly enough, any Dolby Vision and SDR content is fine - the UI is bright and as a result, the picture is fine.

When any HDR10 content is pushed to the TV, either via the built-in apps or a HDMI source the screen switches to a dull, grey and washed out look. This has made the UI dull and also applied this dullness to the entire screen image!


This was fine before the latest Oreo update and now has made gaming or viewing any HDR10 content very disapointing.


I have a XF9005 model - not sure if it is affecting other models?