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external device indicating HDR in picture settings but not triggering and setting optimum settings

external device indicating HDR in picture settings but not triggering and setting optimum settings

need some advice / help re  hdr content on my  xe9305.Ive connected an  external device to my bravia and am  trying to use that to play hdr content both    HDR test  videos from my NAS and also the  prime video app on it but although  HDR is indicated in the picture settings its not automatically setting the optimum video settings like  turning the brightness to max. ive got it plugged into one of the faster  ports HDMI2 and have gone into the settings and configured HDMI to enhanced 4k and  have also swapped out the HDMI lead to a  high speed one. Any ideas why the tv might be indicating hdr  but not setting the optimum settings and leaving them at the manually set ones for that input?


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May be you changed them ... try resetting the picture setting when in hdr...