
Bravia KD - 55AG9

To be honest I wish that I’d not bought the tv, though the picture is very good it does have (literally) a mind of its own.

 It sometimes turns itself on, it often locks up an needs a soft reset by holding the remote power button for 30 seconds after which I always have to go to the rear of the tv and disconnect the external hard drive that I use for recording. Because after a soft reboot it always looses the link and fails to recognise it.

Basically I’m extremely disappointed with the overall system and solely blame all the issues on the Android computer lying at the heart of the system.
Unfortunately, there are way too many niggling issues that regularly rear up when all I want is a quality tv that does exactly what it’s designed to do without issues.



My 55AG9 has a mind of its own too! It will switch on by itself or respond to conversations being held with visitors to our home. Often too when watching a program on TV the AG9 will activate Google and display what has been said by a person on screen, thus pausing the program being viewed whilst waiting for a response. I cannot say that I have had an external drive issue yet like you. My external drive is used for storing personal video. We have a Google pod and often when asking it to play music, the AG9 switches on and plays the music in a different room instead. However, I have no complaints about either the picture or sound quality. I just wish it would not decide to act on its own without being asked.
Community Team

Hey guys, what is the software version on your TVs?

For my KD 55AG9, the following info from the 'About' page:-

  • Bravia 4K UR2 Version 9
  • Andriod Security Patch level 1 1st July 2021
  • Kernal Version 4.9.125 #1 Thu July 29 21:01:58 JST 2021
  • Build Bravia-UR2-4K-EU-user9 PTT1.190515.001.S105 650761 release keys

The word software does not appear on this page. Neither is the page straightforward to locate. I believe this is what you are asking for, if not plase provide a steer for me to the correct page.

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Community Team

Hi Macvid, you can find it on the Help Menu that you can access by pressing the Help button on the remote.

Thank you. The software specification is:-


Having checked also for any updates at the same time, no updates needed according to the reply.

Community Team

Hello @Macvid, for me it seems that the voice assist “Ok Google” is messing up, try resetting the remote by removing the batteries and pressing & holding on the Power button for a few secs and check again. You can also try clearing the TV's cached data by selecting home > settings > device Preferences > storage . internal storage > cached data and select OK.

OK, something to try. However, it begs the question. By clearing the TV cached data, does that clear all my streaming passwords etc?

Community Team

@Macvid, nope, it will clear the cached data only, not your credentials.