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Bluetooth conflict between Bravia and Fire TV stick?

Bluetooth conflict between Bravia and Fire TV stick?

Hello - new here...

I wonder if anyone has had a problem I am experiencing.

I recently bought a Bluetooth receiver to use with my AVR to send audio from the Bravia

to my home theatre wirelessly.  When I pair it to my Bravia the sound come through throttled

(low volume - fuzzy sounding) but if I pair it to my peripheral Fire TV stick the sound is perfect.

Now the problem...

When I unpair it to the Fire TV stick I no longer get any audio when paired to the Bravia and I no

longer get any sound when I re-pair it to the Fire TV stick.

I almost appears that the Bravia and the Fire TV are competing for the Bluetooth connection???



Community Team

Hello @WillAyeAm, which Bravia TV model have you got? and what is its current software version? That would be really helpful to us :slight_smile:

Yes, sorry I'm in Canada and my model number is North American XBR49X900F - purchased in 2018.

I have verified that my software is up to date.

For now I have disconnected the Fire TV, but still have issues with low volume and muddy sound when

pairing directly from the TV to the Bluetooth receiver.  The sound was perfect when paired to the Fire TV

leading me to believe the issue is with the transmission of signal from the TV itself.
Community Team

Hey WillAyeAm, the issue might be in the receiver, Sony doesn't guarantee any third party devices anyway.