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Atmos via Disney+ and Catch-Up apps on XR-55A90J

Atmos via Disney+ and Catch-Up apps on XR-55A90J

Can somebody at Sony please confirm when we will have access to the UK catch-up TV services?


I want a date, not some wishy washy answer.


And what is going on with the Disney+ app and the lack of Atmos?


I'm getting sick of the blame game having contacted Disney, Sony and Google.


I assumed Disney, being the vendor of the app, would be responsible and have an explanation but, they insist it is down to Sony's hardware limitations, which seems unlikely given Netflix will do Atmos. And Google are clueless.


If I don't get answers, this damn TV is going back. Utterly fed up with the poor support, generic responses, the total reliance on reality creation to ensure the picture looks good and the lack of basic features on a premium priced TV.


It is outrageous.


Are Sony represented on this forum and respond or is it community based and supported by owners please?


Yea I noticed yesterday that Atmos is finally working again for Disney, let's hope it lasts this time.


Check if you have any updates as I have a 65inch A90J and Disney now has Dolby Atmos working again.
Community Team

Hello everyone, regarding the apps it's a well known issue, and also not happening with Sony only. However, they confirmed that the TVs will have the apps during 2021. Regarding Disney+ i for whom who managed to resolve the issue, what did you do guys?

Hi, I have Atmos on Disney + now however I did nothing to fix it, I had accepted it would not work and just when I put on some Marvel movie last week noticed that Atmos was back.

Hopefully you get sorted soon.

Community Team

@ JayByrne one of the lucky ones, aren't you?


I wonder when Sony will release an update for the catch up tv farce. They really should take some responsibility for it instaed of just saying a solution will be released later in 2021. Its now 3/4 of the way through the year and still nothing !!



I emailed sony again about this problem.


With reference to your enquiry regarding your Sony XR-55A90J, we are sorry to learn that the catch-up are missing.
Please be advised that the applications are expected to be available during 2021.


Catch up is now EXPECTED this year not it WILL be available .

I bought the 55" version of this TV two weeks ago, and Sony asked me to review it on their site, which I did and bemoaned the fact that the UK catch up apps were missing and this was their reply yesterday (so still in 2021 hopefully!):

Thank you for your review.

We’re sorry you're disappointed due to the missing apps, this is temporary situation which we are working on to get resolved as soon as possible.

Rest assured, we're working closely with all third party content partners to get these added to the TV and we expect all the apps to be available on the TV within 2021 through a software update.

In the meantime, we would like to draw your attention to the Chromecast built-in that is part of all Google TV and Android TV models. All major streaming services including the catch-up services you mention have support for Chromecast in their mobile apps. To enjoy the content across all the services on your TV just follow these easy steps:

- Connect your TV and mobile device to the same network
- Open up your favourite streaming service
- Just tap or click on the Chromecast icon (it looks like a TV with radio waves in the corner)
- select your TV from the list

It will then start playing on your TV and you can put your mobile device to sleep. You can also still receive calls and send messages without disrupting playback on the TV.

To read about how to Chromecast to our TVs in more detail please check the following link:

@matusti  Sony have just repeated the way to workaround the problem rather than solve it.


Why should anybody have to employ the use of even more hardware to do the most rudimentary undertakings of a modern smart TV? And I'll say it again, in the case of the A90J, one that costs multiples of thousands of pounds.

Agreed, there are multiple ways to work around these apps not being present on the TV, but they should just be on the TV.  They're still saying that they should be on the TV via a software update by year's end, which is something I guess