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Android 8.0 Oreo/ 9.0 Pie

Android 8.0 Oreo/ 9.0 Pie

Is it OK to expect Android Oreo on 2017 Sony Android TVs?

641 REPLIES 641

So dear dutchice the question remains the same. Can you or anyone else tell us when the update will be released for Europe?

love the post from @dutchice. I feel like I came out of one of those meetings where people drop key words and everyone is super happy and confident in the bs they're selling....just not the people who see past the smoke and mirrors. You really need to read up and understand what agile means and all the other bs you put in there because none of that takes place at sony otherwise as others have pointed out we would not be waiting months for a bug fix, better yet the firmware would not have been released as the guys in the states have reported all the bugs everyone else in Europe now is experiencing weeks before the firmware was released here.

@dutchice wrote:


In response to your post asking for clarification, note that software development at Sony adheres the continuous improvement model.

You're kidding, right? So, why does it keep getting worse and worse? I nearly complitely bypassed Android TV with an Apple TV 4K, and now, with Android 8, I have plenty of issues even with that! The HDMI-CEC is quite messed up. Too often, when I turn on the ATV 4K, my Yamaha AVR switches correctly and then the TV stays stuck on whichever screen it decides to (can be HDMI 2 as well as Android Leanback or the last app it was running - usually just YouTube). The Apple TV (but it could also be either my PS3 or PS4, depending on the TV's mood) won't appear in the list of available devices. Not even unplugging and plugging back the TV sometime works, while it was always my solution with Android 7.


The volume, that being myself naive I though was fixed, now jumps sky high just tapping the Vol+ button in the Sony remote. The other way around with Vol-. Not to count the many times it reboots.




And pardon my yelling, but this is the worst piece of OS I have seen in all my life. Even worse than Windows 98. Continuos improvement my <<beep>>, here there is no bug fixing at all in the SW development cycle. One can't improve something that's broken without fixing it first!

@Jecht_Sin i trust you as a reliable source and I am surprised about the issues you are writing about. Nothing of what you experience on your TV happen on mine.
I have and htct350 soundbar that as the same behaviour of the Yamaha ones (bypassed via the optical cable trick) and having a DVD recorder and bd players Sony and even a skyq decoder they work well under braviasync umbrella. Never stuck.  Hdmi cec works even on skyq even if not completely (ie it switches on the TV automatically but do not switch off when the TV is switched off).

I agree. Android to TV is terrible. I was thinking my tv was ***** becuase i get terrible judder with android. I dont got it when i play with ps4 or chromecast (hdmi). Why is it so much judder in picture with android? Is it possible Oreo fix it?

To Sony people....
I have a Sony KD-43XF8505 4K TV along with the Sony ZF-9 Atmos soundbar, sub and rear wireless speakers. I paid a small fortune for this setup less than 12 months ago, yet it has been defunct (even after prolonged calls with support) since the Oreo update in FEBRUARY!


If/when is the ARC/Sound Bar issue likely to get fixed, as I've pretty much been staring at a very expensive picture frame for a quarter of a year! Your software update has broken my equipment, and nearly 3 months is FAR too long to push a fix to your paying customers. A fix had better materialise soon (compensation should surely be in order too!!?), otherwise it's time to get those refunds issued for DOA equipment.


I work in videogames and we're able to push fixes across multiple platforms for multiple configurations of hardware within days. It should NOT take 3 months to fix one issue. If it does, why have you not issued a firmware update containing the previously 'sort of working' Android 7, just to enable peoples equipment to actually function?

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@neilwatts13 wrote:

To Sony people....
I have a Sony KD-43XF8505 4K TV along with the Sony ZF-9 Atmos soundbar, sub and rear wireless speakers. I paid a small fortune for this setup less than 12 months ago, yet it has been defunct (even after prolonged calls with support) since the Oreo update in FEBRUARY!


If/when is the ARC/Sound Bar issue likely to get fixed, as I've pretty much been staring at a very expensive picture frame for a quarter of a year! Your software update has broken my equipment, and nearly 3 months is FAR too long to push a fix to your paying customers. A fix had better materialise soon (compensation should surely be in order too!!?), otherwise it's time to get those refunds issued for DOA equipment.


I work in videogames and we're able to push fixes across multiple platforms for multiple configurations of hardware within days. It should NOT take 3 months to fix one issue. If it does, why have you not issued a firmware update containing the previously 'sort of working' Android 7, just to enable peoples equipment to actually function?

Hi @neilwatts13   


Unfortunately this is a customer to customer help forum. If you want to talk to “Sony people” you should contact Sony UK Support


just as an aside my KD-55XE9305 with Oreo (v6.5830) works perfectly with my HT-ZF9/SA-Z9R but I can sympathise with those having problems.

“Problems ?” That’s putting it mildly. Sony have ruined people’s sets with the update and from my experience you’re wasting your time contacting sony support. They couldn’t care less.

What goes on is totally unacceptable!

SONY let us down for more than 3 months and still no news for the expected 'upgrade'!

It looks like they 'deliberately' released v6.5839 first time in Europe, since it was already known that there

were severe problems with it,  been released in US two months earlier.

v6.5839 I have never seen this Firmware update befor?

am on v6.5830 
The usa is on v6.5850