Lets boycott SOny Android TVs?

Lets boycott SOny Android TVs?

Seriously man, I have been a big fan of Sony TV (i hope still!). The picture and sound quality are second to none... but now due to the stupid Android softrware, there are just  too many bugs to be content with...


Before this latest firmware update on the 10 Dec, the screen tends to go blank without picture but only audio. However, after the new firware update, there is only BLCK screen without even any audio! The TV keeps crashing... !


I think it is time to move on to Samsung and boycott Sony TV until they get their acts together...



Not applicable



What im getting at is that it is still your choice on which TV to purchase.  If one is so dead against Android, it is still your choice not to purchase a Sony TV that has Android on it.  There are some 2015 non-android Sony TVs, on the more budget end or you choose another brand.


Anyway, i am unsure if you are interested or watched Sonys CES speach, but Sony agrees with many on what Sony used to stand for.  Premium brand, quality et etc.  It appears that their long term strategy is going to change.  By not competing on market share and that race to the bottom - focusing back to thier core of premium brand with quality products.


A short read:



I too agree that in many ways, Sony lost some of its premium brand - as some of the tvs appear quite plastically to me.


Is this change of direction something you agree with?


Why shouldn't all kind of devices have the choise of Operating System? Phones, tablets, Televisions.

The same way that a Personal Computer has.

I don't believe I said something bad.

I don't blame only Sony for that.

What I see is an Operating System having problems and Sony uses that on expensive Televisions. This is not an 80 euros android tablet. It is thousands of euros and it should work.


It's still a completely straw-man argument...


I wasn't in the market for a 'low end' set...  This wasn't for some obscure corner of the house...  I wanted an upper-middle range large-ish 4K set; and I went for what I believed to be the most reliable manufacturer on the market. Next in line is Bang & Olufsen, and they're just a wee bit too-much style over substance for my wallet and sensibilities; at least not for this place (a secondary home).


Given CHOICE - which I really think Sony should have given me - I'd have bought the set I have now. And nobody CHOSE or expected to buy something so badly crippled that not only do the bells and whistles not work, it doesn't even function reliably at a basic level.


From that article...


"Moreover, these new TV’s will feature Sony’s very best processing, which has always set the company apart from others."


Given that the 2015 was BREATHTAKINGLY incompetent in its execution... From the design and implementation of the UI to the coding and underpinning hardware; it's amazing they could write this with a straight face!!


The (2014) X90B is a behemoth of a set; its (in my setting superfluous) speakers are something of a taste I'm working hard at times to acquire...  Very heavy too... And mine is the 'baby' of the family! Even the most technologically ignorant walk-in, notice it and know they're in the presence of something very very diffierent from that on sale in Sainsbury's! -But physically the Android was just another black square - could have been something I'd borrowed from work for all anyone would notice it. 


They may have gone too far with the smaller-thinner styling - time will tell. But stylistically, these too look to be nothing remakable... They'll sound awful too; the laws of physics being something they can't change.


If Sony are looking to the upper slopes here they are...




But then Sony are no longer building something that's not only a TV set, but a piece of furniture... So there's that USP gone... Performance? reliability?


A 'main set' isn't something most people replace lightly or often; and Sony's reputation in implementing Android is one of complete and utter incompetence. Even if by some miracle these later ones are rock-solid, the jury will be firmly out for at least two years untill the current Android disaster is dealt with... 


They would really NEED to provide a Non-Android 'basic smart' alternative to gain any sort of trust. What they should have done is build the basic display to end all basic displays; built for performance and longevity... Coupled it to a range of modular accessories - bundled as necessary - upgradeable and kept cutting-edge...


'Profeel II' would have been an aspirational and inspirational product...




"Sony agrees with many on what Sony used to stand for.  Premium brand, quality et etc."  


And yet they're sticking dogmatically to the very thing that has destroyed them... It's all very 'Emperor's new clothes' I'm afraid. And really, they still need to sort out the 2015 mess properly. - It's a long time 'till spring!


In my opinion is it just Android causing the problems on Sony Android TV´s , the basic TV is OK.


@purnet wrote:

In my opinion is it just Android causing the problems on Sony Android TV´s , the basic TV is OK.

Not in my experience it isn't...  


I never used the Android 'features' on my set... Didn't even have it connected to a network.  Still my set kept freezing and rebooting, it had SERIOUS lip-synch issues on HDMI sources, the satellite tuner kept deleting the channels i wanted and adding back one I very definitely didn't want!  - And every now and again it would switch itself on at random! 


The day after I got rid on mine I happened to be in Curry's in Livingston...  A set identical to the one I'd just got shot of was sitting 'frozen'... As I walked around another from the range radomly rebooted... Many many people are reporting similar problems...


I can't, for the life of me see how this sort of thing is 'basically ok' or even remotely acceptable. - And I suspect it's the way Sony have implemented Android rather than Android itself that is the problem... It seems to work fine on many other devices!


Are you nuts because android os is the best thing to happen to Sony or any tv for that mater try its there no limit to what can be done meen you want to run kodi on it you can you want to run any android app that's on the android App Store can be you just have to go get the apk and put it in ur self just waiting for someone to get the balls to root one and it open new doors to what can be done there is so much patenchal 


That´s your opinion, my is that Sony TV is OK but Android OS destroys the TV.


While I do think that Android TV is premature I would still blame Sony for the bad overall quality of their TVs for several reasons:


  • we are 1-2 Android TV iterations behind (Nougat is out, mine is still Lollipop)
  • quite some bugs and instabilities are caused by bad MediaTek drivers (Sony has to push fixes in that regard)
  • all Sony custom software on the TV is aweful, especially the TV integration (British YouView might be better though)


If you are interested in my view, you can read my full review here.