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Tu masz linki (po angielsku niestety) do stron gdzie użytkownicy zgłaszali podobny problem:
Chyba jedna z osób znalazła sposób jak to rozwiązać, który, jak się wydaje leży po stronie Google:
I think I found the answer to my own question. I logged into Picasa on my computer. I chose the folders which contained pictures I wanted to appear on my tv. At the top of each folder, where I named the folder, there appears a box labeled "share". There is a drop down menu in this box. I chose "enable sync", which was the only choice available as all the other ones were deselected. In the upper right hand of my screen I could see a circle/cursor spinning indicating that my pictures were, indeed, synching to my tv. The process was fairly quick. After the cursor stopped spinning, the file was finished loading.
I also saw a box in the upper right hand side of my screen when I was synching the pictures which was labeled "sync to web". I didn't do anything to install this and it didn't activate or do anything to indicate it was operating. I assume it's just part of the latest version of Picasa and is there to show that you have the capability of synching to the web.
I then went to my tv, opened Picasa and every folder I synced appeared on the screen. I was able to open all of them and view my pictures. I hope it stays this way. I hope this helps others who have the same problem.