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Warranty conditions and physical damage

Warranty conditions and physical damage

Dear All,

I have a big issue with Sony about their warranty service, be aware of this problem!

I am a software engineer and I have bought a £1200 Vaio SA 3 months ago, and unfortunatelly the brand new computer bag i bought for it broke suddenly and the laptop fell (in his pouch) on the floor on a corner.

The corner has a visilbe bump.

The computer worked fine for 2 months after that, and I have tested the hard drive and monitored its SMART info ever since. All was fine.

Suddenly, 2 months after the drop, the computer just doesn't switch on again.

I have sent it to Sony, after they have told me that "IF THE PHISICAL DAMAGE IS THE CAUSE OF THE FAULT, the repair won't be covered by the warranty".

Now they say they want £1000 for fixing it. I have been arguing with customer support and the repair centre for the last month, asking the PROOF that the fault was due to the phyiscal damage, as I, as a software engineer, don't really believe it.

They have sent me, in one month of emails and phonecalls:


2) An engineer report of 5 lines saying: "The unit has some kind of impact damage to the corner, so this unit would be out of warranty". And adding that the hard drive might be damaged as well - AND I KNOW FOR CERTAIN IT IS NOT.

No proof whatsoever, just a "a priori" judgment.

I don't really know what to do at this point, I hope somebody can help me.


I don't really know what to suggest apart from getting your own engineer's report with proof that the problem is not due to the impact.

Does your Home Contents Insurance cover 'All Risks' perils?
