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The color depth changes on it's own from 32bit to 16 bit after every start

The color depth changes on it's own from 32bit to 16 bit after every start

The color depth changes on it's own from 32bit to 16 bit after every start on my Sony Vaio laptop.


I had the problems with the recomended update of the Catalyst control center, so eventually I had to resort to the old one, but this color change every time I start or restart the computer remained and is annoying.


It has nothing to do with the ATI Catalyst or it's driver - I uninstalled them completely, the color change continued.


It did not do that in the safe mode, and Catalyst is not set to the compactibility mode.


I cant use the the system restore, because my restore points do not go far enough.


Please help, I am clueless

