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How do you get a refund from Sony?

How do you get a refund from Sony?

Hi All, Bought my Sony Vaio online in March this year - 3 months later it started switching itself off when I touched it (great feature) , sent to Sony Repair and they replaced the motherboard ( i think) and sent back.  3 months later it happened again and this time the hard disk failed as a result.  Sent the vaio for repair again , replaced the hard disk but by the looks of it didn't fix the switching off issue.  The same day I got the machine back it started switching itself off again.  Phoned the repair centre a bit annoyed to say the least, told them I wanted my money back because it was getting silly.  Got the usual not our problem go back to where you bought it, but I bought on-line??  So who do I call??.  Anyway sent for repair again so they knew it was still broken, after 3 weeks they couldn't recreate the issue, made me feel stupid and sent it back with advice on where and how to use the vaio , ie not on your sofa.  Within an hour of me having the Vaio back I had recreated the issue 4 times and videoed it.  Sent the video to Sony Repair - got some guy asking me if it was going into sleep mode???  Errr no because I get the abnormal shut down message everytime it happens.

Anyway to cut a long story short I was wondering if anyone new who to contact reference refunds because all the people I talk to are obviously not very forthcoming.  I don't think its accpetable for a Vaio that I haven't even had for a year to break 3 times and to go for repair 4 times.

Rapidly losing faith in the Sony brand which up until now I had utter trust in.

Thanks for any help in advance.
