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Desde hace como una semana que solo carga hasta un 75% .
Prendido ,apagado no hay forma de llegue hasta el 100%( CARGADOR ORIGINAL)
Xperia m5 only loads up to 75%
For like a week that only loads up to 75%.
On, off there is no way to reach up to 100% (ORIGINAL CHARGER)
Hi @abrilcari, welcome to our forum and I'm sorry to hear about this.
Your question has been translated to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English!
Do I understand correctly that there is no change even if you charge the device when it's powered off? If that is the case, are you charging the device using a wall mounted charger or just with a cable and a USB port? If you are using a wall mounted charger, try using a USB port instead.
You can also try charging your device with another charger, if one of your friends, colleagues or family members also have an Xperia device!
Let me know how it goes!
Hi I had the same problem. It happens randomly: I leave the phone plugged all the night and in the morning the charge is stacked to 75%.
It may happens once, twice or three times consecutively and then it goes back to a normal behaviour without any apparent reason.
Any idea? Time to change phone (and brand)? The phone has been already sent to service twice...
Hi @Matcor, very sorry to hear about this and it does sound very strange that it does not always occur, but when it occurs it's not only once.
Are you charging the device when it's powered off or is it turned on when you charge it at night? If you are charging it when it's turned on, try charging it when it's powered off and see if there is any change.
You could also try charging the device in safe mode, that way you will still receive notifications, calls and your alarm will ring in the morning, but downloaded applications will not be loaded, so we can see if any of them is the cause of your device not charging to 100% when you are sleeping.
Keep me posted!
Dear Jonas,
thank you for your reply. Unfortunately the problem appears randomly and I have no possibility to reproduce it in a reasonably short time window. Last week it happened once, in the last three days the phone behaviour has been normal.
I cannot switch to save mode for too long time, I need the phone. If this is not a common problem it means that probably my phone needs to be repaired. I tryed to send the phone to assistance, but after three weeks sony sent me the phone back saying that no anomaly in the battery was detected.
At this point I don't think I have any choice but changing phone (and, after two m2, one m5 and one x, changing brand).
Hi again!
I understand that having your device rebooted in safe mode for a longer period of time isn't optimal, however as the service centre were not able to replicate the behaviour when the device was sent in, a downloaded application could be the cause of this.
You mentioned that you charge the device during night, is it possible for you to have the device rebooted in safe mode only during the night when you are sleeping for a couple of days, or are you in need of a certain application because of work or similar? If you aren't in need of a third party application during the night, please try and keep it in safe mode while you are sleeping.
If you haven't tried with a different cable or charger, I would recommend doing so!
Keep me posted!