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My friend he also has Sony m single sim he has updates his phone day before to 4.3 but when I check its says software is up to date.
Ok,keep us updated.
Really ? Xperia M C1904 will get 4.3 JB in India ?
sony please give the update.....
i try run the upgrade on xp 32 bits, still same result
from my win 7, i found these logs:
22:21:22,87 [PhoneUpdateTools 14/02/19] PCCService_Execute, File: C:\ProgramData\Sony\Sony PC Companion\Omsi Installation\Sony_Mobile_Update_Engine_Setup-, Args: /S
22:21:22,87 [PhoneUpdateTools 14/02/19] PCCService_Execute: CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(SysTasks)) for ISysTasks2 failed: 0x80040154
22:21:22,87 [PhoneUpdateTools 14/02/19] Installing OMSI failed.
anyone know what's went wrong?
so then when can we expect the 4.3 update for xperia m in india
one week has gone from the release date. but In India, we are not getting it yet...........................................
Sony please launch it ASAP in iNDIA.....