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Whenever I am trying to chnage my lock screen. I am getting error "setting has stopped working" and I am not able to change my screen lock.
I have updated my phone to Android 6.
Please help
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Hi @Anand_28,
This is unfortunate, let us see if we can help.
You could attempt clearing the settings apps data.
Menu > Settings > Apps > Settings > Clear Data
Let us know how you get on.
Unfortunately setttin has stopped
hi all, i also having same problem. i try all of any suggest from forum, and android forum. it's seem to be a bug problem.
as i buy phone 1st time T15, Vivaz, etc from sony.. all is ok, excepted after sony mobile..
now i only left sony mobile z, m5 dual, vivaz.
and now i buy new " not from " SONY " again.. sorry sony, cause your respect to customer is too weak..
I just wanted to change my pattern into a new one. The system said: unfortunately, setting has stopped.
I thought the problem would end if I install the new update. But no. I've got a M5. May someone could help me? Thank you in advance.
unfortunately the settings stopped when I wanted to use the screen lock, what should I do
I am facing the same issue...I am unable to open setting app will clear data or format this phone
Please Help me
I am having the Same problem. even I cannot open a single option inside setting.
Its really difficult to "Help" you if the only thing that you've posted it's that, Help.