I have a problem with my wifes M4 Aqua...
It stopped working correctly, drains the battery and the IMEI *#06# is shown as zero.
No connection to Google PlayStore, nor to the cellular net (IMEI=0), NFC seemt to work but can't test.
I started the phone, did a backup and restored to factory settings.
It will not let me enter Google PlayStore.
It will not let me repair via USB cable and Sony Companion (both ways update/repair/repair in safe mode don't work).
I get the error message that the download was interrupted during update process in Sony Comapnion, I have no problems here with the connection to the intrenet nor do I have any proxys running...
See screenshot... https://flic.kr/p/23roMsE
[url=https://flic.kr/p/23roMsE][img]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/811/39668763870_89b8f90d93_z.jpg[/img]... 2018-04-15 um 19.23.54[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/lichtlautphotographie/]Mike La Bruna[/url], auf Flickr
Any advice would be apreciated.
I have followed several natural things like reboot, try more than once and so on...
It will power on and start into Android in safe mode