Headset not Supported


Headset not Supported

Please help me with this. I'm using the original headset of my phone then all of a sudden it said "Headset not supported. Please use another headset of visit sony mobile support"

Hi I'm using M2 white.I purchase it last March 1,2015. My problem is I cannot use my headset. Even it's original. It's says that your headset is not supported or you can go Sony mobile supports. That's why I log in hope you can help me...

I didn't plug any headset but "headset is not supported" pop ups. I tried to clear data and cache, force stop, and restart but it pop ups again. It's weird because i didn't plug any headset. Is there any explanation about this?

Still I'm facing the same problem headset not supported visitfor every 4sec, I'm using z1,Sony please help.


I was using samsung headset with my Xperia and it was working well but suddenly i received a msg "not supported "


I have a Xperia Z1 Compact.

A couple of weeks back it came back from the service center where my power button got replaced. Of course it got a check up and an update to the latest softare (14.6.A.0.368

A couple of days after it was back, I started getting constant notifications from Smartconnect that a headset was being connected (as in... it seemed to thing I was plugging a headset every second for minutes)

Every so often the cycle was interrupted by a system notification (or at least that's what it looks like) telling me the headset was not supported.

I did clear the data of Smartconnect, I reset it to factory settings, I re-updated it, up to three times, nothing seemed to help...

So I ended up disabling Smartconnect, and the Smartconnect notifications have stopped. But the system notifications keep on occuring, especially when I am using some kind of media (a YouTube film gets interrupted everyother second, the camera as well, and most interesting, I have a Sony bluetooth headset SBH20, that works like a charm, but that also gets disconnected upon apparition of the notification, since those notifications seem to overrule everything)

Since the problem occurred just after the phone's software was reset, is it likely that resetting it again will help?


This notification is seriously frustrating me!!!

I have done everything that I can find online to fix this issue but it continues to taunt me every single minute.

All basic features on the phone take 5x the time it should take. Due to the notification popping up every 30 seconds!!!

Surely there is something that will fix my phone!!!

Sony z1

Yesterday evening I have reset my Z1 Compact to factory setting. Less than two hours after that, there it went again, Smartconnect seems to think I have nothing better to do than plugging, and unpluggung, and replugging, etc... a headset, faster that it takes to read it...

Today I have been in touch with the Chat Support of Sony NL about that issue.

I seems that in Safe Mode, the Notification does not appear (though it comes in waves, so I might just have been lucky)

that would point to that problem being caused by an app. Thing is, I wouldn't know which one! I really do not have that many apps, and most of them come from rather known developpers...
I mean, facebook, twitter, pinterest, the official apps of my banks, of the national train company... I have very little apps that are not "official" apps of from a worldwide know developper...

Is there any know issue/link with a specific app?


Mine also

Mate I've done both methods and my headset still doesn't work on The phone please help

Please help me with this. I'm using the original headset of my phone & other headset then all of a sudden it said "Headset not supported. Please use another headset of visit sony mobile support"