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Contact list not opening and crashes suddenly.


Contact list not opening and crashes suddenly.

Contact list not opening and crashes suddenly.


Hello @Bunny_143, welcome to the forum!

I'm sorry to hear about your phones behaviour! Is this something it has started doing recently?

Just to make sure that this is not caused by the data saved by the Contacts application, have you tried clearing the data for this application? If you haven't done that, I would recommend that you start by doing that. This will not remove any of your contacts, only reset the data for the application. You do this by going to Settings > Apps > Contacts > Storage > Clear Data.

If the application still doesn't work like it should, try restarting your phone in safe mode. In Safe Mode, your downloaded applications are temporary inactive, which can help you determine if any third party application is interacting with Contacts. You can still use all basic functions like calling, text messaging and using the Internet i Safe Mode, and it helps us make sure that none of your downloaded applications is the cause of this behaviour.

Keep me updated and have a nice day!