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Meu celular está diminuindo a carga mesmo com o carregador conectado quando estou utilizando o aparelho . De repente aparece uma mensagem dizendo que o aparelho está descarregando mais rápido do que está carregando
My phone is reducing the charge even when the charger is connected when I am using the device. Suddenly a message appears saying that the unit is discharging faster than it is charging
Hi @Walterochal, welcome to our forum and I'm sorry to hear about this.
Is this something you have started to experience very recently, for example after updating your device or installing a new application?
Does this occur when charging the device with the original charger/cable and are you using a wall socket to charge the device or a USB port on a computer? If you are using a USB port, try using the original charger and connect it to a wall socket and see if there is any change.
You can also try restarting your device in safe mode and see if you experience the same behaviour when downloaded applications aren't loaded as they are temporarily disabled while the device is rebooted in safe mode.
Let me know how it goes!
Translation via Google Translate:
Hi, thank you for the great service, I will follow the recommendations, starting with the original charger. I was already suspicious that it would be the porter. There's only one thing, in the vehicle how can I carry it safely. If you can help me, thank you. If you have to buy a charger for the car you would like to know which one. Thank you good night
Oi, agradeço pelo ótimo atendimento , vou seguir as recomendações, começando pelo carregador original. Eu já estava desconfiado de que seria o carregador . Só tem uma coisa, no veículo como posso carregar de forma segura. Se puderem me auxiliar agradeço. Se tiver que comprar um carregador para o carro gostaria de saber qual. Obrigado, boa noite
We keep using Google Translate to find the meaning of your messages. Kindly post your future questions/feedbacks in English so we can assist you, this is an English based forum.
Hi again!
You're very welcome, but please keep your replies in English as this is an International forum just like @Quester mentioned.
If you are looking for a charger for your car, I would recommend that you take a look at the AN430, which supports Dual charging so you can charge your device and if you for example, have a Bluetooth headset or similar accessory that also needs to be charged.
For availability and where you can purchase this charger in your market, please get in touch with your Local support team as they are the experts on your market and will be able to provide a much more detailed answer.
I hope that helps!