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Wrong Prize


Wrong Prize


I entered a competition on the sony xperia lounge and i won! The competition was for a sony fdr x3000. I was informed by email on the 13.12.16 I would receive the prize in the new year.

After contacting the hospitality team about the prize in question I received an email back on the 30.1.17 to say they were arranging the prize and that I would receive it in a couple of weeks. As soon as the prize was ready I would receive a tracking number. On the 15.02.17 I was told the prize was being shipped that day.

Upon receiving the prize I had found it to be the wrong model. I was immediately on to the hospitality team to let them know it was the wrong prize. I received an email back from Matthew Bates at the hospitality team on the 20.02.17 to say he will, "Follow up with sony and enquire as to where it is."

After nearly two weeks I phoned the hospitality team again for an update. On the 02.03.17 I received another email from Matthew Bates saying, "Apologies for the delay we are still waiting to hear back from sony on the status of your prize and if/when they will be sending a replacement. We are chasing it up with sony on your behalf and will advise as soon as we hear."

It is now the 26.03.17 and I am still yet to hear anything back from either Matthew Bates, Tom Robinson or Laura Evans who work for 'We Are Infrared' (the hospitality team). I am most disappointed in the efforts of this company in their ability to handle this small but important problem. I am now looking for contact direct with sony to resolve the matter as this is now too long in the process, does anybody have the number for sony customer services?



Not applicable

Hi there


As this was a competition via the Sony Xperia, you will need to contact them.  See:





hope i get some where with this soon! 


Didn't work got fobbed of to a different Sony department ( 

Not applicable

Hi there


I have escalated this thread to Sony Support - Even though this is for the electronics arm of Sony - they should have contacts on who the best person/department to contact etc.


Hopefully you get a call back in the next day or two - if I also hear anything, ill post back too.

