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Suggestion on new A6000 designs

Suggestion on new A6000 designs



I would like to suggest a couple of design considerations for the new A6000 line of cameras.


The first is not to include a grip in the body of the camera. While I don't deny that a grip is useful, it adds bulk. I'm considering an A6000 series camera as a backup. In the same way that Olympus and Fujifilm offer a separate grip, I would prefer the option of having a smaller A6000 series body with the option of attaching a grip - the new Fujifilm XE3 looks very compact.


My second suggestion, which I have reported before, is that I shoot in manual mode 90% plus of the time. Therefore, the exposure compensation dial is a waste of top plate collateral. Making this dial programmable would enable people to use it for exposure compensation or other features, such as white balance or focus point.


Is this feedback useful?


Best regards


Major Sony Fan - Jo


Hi ya.

          The grip on the a6000 series is one of the things i think sony got spot on (for my sized hands anyway).Looking at how slender the camera body is ,allowing for such a small distance between the back of camera and front of lens, the grip actually reduces the bulk of the camera.without the grip obviously the actual camera body would have to increase in size to incorporate the battery and memory card that is currently housed in the grip.I consider  the grip is essential for using any lenses above pancakes , i use an 18--105mm f4 lens, i cannot visualize using that lens without a grip.