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3 months to replace or refynd TV

3 months to replace or refynd TV

Bought a sony smart TV July 2016.


22nd June 2017 TV has a fault and wont power up. They replace it early july and on delivery the replacement has a horrible shadow across it (Ive since discovered a lot of the app and option functions dont work on it either)  Service centre says they need to order a new one.  After a few weeks they tell me Sonys IT system is not allowing them to order a new replacement.  After 2 months and lots of chasing up I postied on here and customer relations got involved.  They agreed to a refund and cancelled the attempts to replace.  They asked for a couple of days to sort out a refund and collection  and would email details of the contact. a week went by no e mail no news so phoned service centre asking for a callback,  i got an answerphone message saying no progress yet but theyd call me back with news


.  I've called tbe service centre every week asking for information  they say theyll email the 

 Customer relations team and outright refuse to do anything else they wont even let you speak to a manager. I got back in touch with the retailer who said a refunds no issue they just need tbe paperwork  so they phoned sony themselves and were told woth me on the line I'd get a call in a few days.   I got no call so retailer tried again and one more time on Friday promising a call today (which no surprise didnt happen)  I phoned the service centre again no help other than the e mail promising a call tomorrow (I already know this will not happen).


Sony has the worst customer service I've ever experienced.



Is this normal?  Does Sony think this is an acceptable way to treat customers who've spent thousands on their products??  




Sorry you've had a hard time with your TV.


This was just to say I removed one of your double posts on this.


Hope you get things sorted soon :slight_smile: