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I bought my Sony Bravia 65XG8906 tv a few months ago & all was great, until the tv recently installed an update, where now I am seeing a message "WiFi Not Connected" in the top right corner of the screen.
So I was hopping that someone might be able to advise me on how to stop this message coming up. I read a few posts on here with different models having had a similar problem, with a few different ideas, but none of them have worked for me & that includes my doing a factory reset.
I've checked the network status & my connection shows that I have a full signal strength etc. I've had my line & router checked by BT where everything passed & I have at least a 60mbs fibre optic speed, so I know that's all ok.
I have had the connection fail while checking the connection & everything suggested in the 'Trouble shoot the problem is all standard stuff that I know I have checked or tried.
This is driving me mad & I hope someone can offer advise that will work. Thanks
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Hi salonroxie, did you try a hotspot? do you get the same issue? Or the LAN? As far as I know that will tell you if it's a software or a hardware issue. HannahEd01
I have just installed my new Bravia - the BT Router is next to the TV so signal is excellent. Every 10 to 20 minutes a warning ‘Wi-Fi not connected’ pops up on top right hand corner. There is definitely no problem with the WiFi.
I occasionally get this error even though I have entered the router pw. I just ignore it now and usually it rectifies itself. If you do a hard reboot - hold the on off for about the 10 secs - and it miraculously goes away. I love this TV except for this issue and the Youview contact tie in, but there is a workaround for that if you need it!
I have the same problem. My wifi clearly is connected but that message “WiFi not connected” keeps appearing at the top right of my TV screen. It’s really annoying.
@DizzyBritches Make sure you have the Date & Time settings are set to "Use Network Time", seems to solve it for most people.
This thread was started over four years ago and the post prior to yours was in May 2021.