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I recently replaced my Bravia XD93 with a Bravia XR80. Straight swap.
My Sky Q box is connected to the TV in the HDMI 1 input. It's not a 120hz input but the Sky Q box doesn't output 120hz, so that's fine. No lip sync issues with this set up.
My UBP-X800M2 4K blu ray player is connected to my TA-AN1000 amp in the BD/DVD input. The amp output is connected to the XR80 via the eARC input. There is a lip sync issue with this connection. I can't currently fathom out why. My HDMI cables are QED and capable spec. As far as I'm aware my gear is compatible. I haven't tried an optical cable, but at the end of the day the eARC with HDMI should work. When I adjust the settings on the amplifier to 130m/s, it looks better, but I don't like having to do that.
When I play a disc and turn the amp off and have pass through on, the lip sync is fine! It's only when I turn the amp on and output the sound through my 5.1 system.
I had no problems whatsoever with the XD93. Any thoughts from someone with more knowledge than me would be appreciated. It's a head scratcher.
I wouldn’t say this is necessarily a problem with the TV but with the AV processor, so I might have posted this in the Home Cinema category, mainly because you are saying the lip sync issue is between the Blu Ray player and the amp.
Another thing why isn’t your Sky Q box connected to the amp rather than the TV.
Have you connected the Blu Ray player to the TV to see if there are any lip sync issues in that configuration.
If there are no lip/ sync issues with the devices connected directly to the TV then it is probably something in the settings of the amp.
First though I would check the settings on the Blu Ray player, i.e check that it is on passthrough and no lip sync settings have been input, so either Auto or off, if it has those settings.
Check that the TVs A/V sync setting is set to Auto.
Settings> Display & Sound> Audio output> A/V sync.
Here is a screen shot from the troubleshooting page of the online manual
for your amp.
The TV audio system settings are as such;
Audio system prioritisation - On
A/V Sync- Auto
Digital Audio Output - Auto
eARC setting - Auto
My amp's pass through setting is on.
The lip/sync option on the blu ray playback is set at zero.
I'd always connected the Sky Q box up straight to the TV on my XD93 because my wife doesn't use the amp at all. She's not into it, and prefers just a simple Sky to TV operation. I told her with the pass through it's not even a thing, but to avoid any hassle I just set it up that way.
Just for extra info, I do have a PS5 connected to the amp's game input. That has no problem with sound sync either.
The TV does have one spare HDMI input rated at 120hz, it's labelled as an input for the PS5 but I stuck to my old set up of putting the console through the amp. I could use that input for connecting the blu ray straight to the TV as you have suggested. I knew that was an option but I've been obstinately refraining from it so far because the way it's set up should work!
Nothing has been changed in the settings from when the XD93 was in place and running perfectly.
Now suddenly it's not with the XR80 in place. I agree with you that it's probably a setting on the amp somehow that's just not gelling with the XR80. But I can't find what. Which is strange because they're both the newest pieces of kit in the set up. Both Sony.
Have you set the amp up as a Bravia sync device in the TVs settings.
And Enabled it under the Bravia Sync device list setting.
Settings> Channels & Inputs> Bravia Sync Settings
And just to check have set your HDMI Inputs on the TV to Enhanced format.
Another thing you could try in the TV settings menu is to
go to Settings> Channels & Input> External Inputs> External device setup.
You may have done this for the older TV when you first hooked it up to the amp.
I would press the Set up button again and press Next.
When the screen asks you if you can hear the audio select No.
Then click on Exit.
Now go back and click on Set up again. Click on Next.
The screen should now show a progress bar as the TV and amp communicate with each other, once complete click Done, then Finish.
This may just reconfigure things and help clear the problem as the amp knows which TV it is now outputting to.
I only mentioned temporarily hooking up the Blu Ray player direct to the TV to see if there was a lip sync issue with using the TVs speakers, and if there was not switch the amp on and see if the lip sync issue is still present in that configuration.
Or have you tried switching the HDMI input the Blu Ray is connected to on the amp just in case to see if lip sync is a problem on another HDMI input.
It is interesting you are not having sync issues with the PS5 and only the Blu Ray, which would point to a setting on the Blu Ray but you haven’t changed any settings on that from when you had the old TV in the mix.
Can’t think of anything else to try at the moment if I do I will get back to you.