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BBC iPlayer 4k support in time for the World cup?

BBC iPlayer 4k support in time for the World cup?

So, will we finally get Bbc iPlayer support in time for the World Cup? Announcement coming imminently:

529 REPLIES 529

@stormyuk wrote:

I am not sure what HDMI port my Youview box is in, but I have noticed the stutter/repeat on Motorsport on ITV4 but the same programme on ITVHD it was fine? Maybe it was only 50hz on ITV4 and no ITVHD?


Does the HDMI make a difference as I will probably be watching the World Cup in HD on the Youview box? I might even record it to log this repeat thing if I can really be bothered to jump through the hoops others have to get these swapped.



@stormyuk On my 55XE9005, only HDMI 2 & 3 do Enhanced Format 4K so those ports are filled with the Apple tv 4K and the Roku 3810EU, so the YV box is plugged into HDMI 1.


But it's not the port that the YV box is plugged into that's the problem - it's the content itself that is the problem, specifically with certain types of content such as Strictly Come Dancing & Eastenders on BBC, Coronation Street on ITV etc the dropped frame issue is easily visible to those who are susceptible to noticing it (e.g. Mrs. speedyrite never notices it, but it sticks out like a sore thumb to me). Over on the XE90 dropped frame thread on AVForum, Stephen Neale has explained it far several times and more eloquently with greater technical knowledge & expertise than I can manage!

I was monitoring this thread last week and at the time was quite pleased that my 2016 43XD8088 was on the supported list.


Must have missed something, as now the list of supported devices has been cut and there are very few 2016 TVs on the list.


What happened???

   yes it takes two but  what are we  meant to do when you ask the bbc to contact  and work with Sony to resolve the issue and  you only geta  standard reply  saying thanks for contacting beeb and providing feedback. Got a similar answer  from Sony simply saying that they have raised the matter for  further investion. Having invested a fair bit of money in what i thought was a future proofed tv  im furious about this. Also for  those who suggested that it was an  android issue, nope. I'm able to  watch  HDR and HLG  content using the android youtube app without any issues whatsover. theres even a very high frame rate hdr video  sample on youtube which played  perfectly and shows what this tv is really capable of. however  neither party are concened so we will have to   watch in upscaled 1080i instead

@be11aml wrote:


I was monitoring this thread last week and at the time was quite pleased that my 2016 43XD8088 was on the supported list.


Must have missed something, as now the list of supported devices has been cut and there are very few 2016 TVs on the list.


What happened???

The BBC probably made a mistake, as it appears now ALL Sony Android TVs from 2016 and 2017 have been removed. Nice one Sony, nice one. The only Android TVs supported from Sony are now 2018 models.


So when we asked the question why did 2016 models get support and 2017 didn't, turns out they haven't. Oh dear. It really is a farce. Sorry @rgledhill :slight_smile:

no wonder no one is able to give a straight answer. no one knows what they are doing at the bbc or sony it seems. oh well.

Is anyone planning a demonstration outside Sony HQ in London?

It would be cheaper to buy a Roku stick than travel to London and it is more likely to result in an ability to watch the world cup in 4K.  :rofl:

@be11aml wrote:

It would be cheaper to buy a Roku stick than travel to London and it is more likely to result in an ability to watch the world cup in 4K.  :rofl:

You will still need to be one of the lucky ones to get one of the slots on the iPlayer so still hoops to jump through. :slight_smile:

I assume that during BBC's testing, they've discovered that the streams aren't reliably displayed for longer periods on the older TVs either, so they've removed them from the approved list.

I'm sure the BBC and Sony are perfectly well aware of the technical reasons for the problems but there's no benefit in sharing it as it would be meaningless if you aren't a developer, and nor could you do anything about it - the fact is, they haven't resolved the compatibility issues yet.  There isn't a company in the world that gives out their internal development plans for fixing bugs, this is completely normal.  Frustrating for us though of course!

The point is that it's an issue with the App when it runs on Android TVs.  Just because another completely different App works means that they have found a way to make it work, before they released it.  Remember that no other TV channel supports 4k or HDR yet; they will all be working on it in the background but they're not releasing it yet.

Basically we are the victims of being beta testers - or not, depending on the model!

if any  of  you in the Uk are on virgin and  hav ea V6  box you might be able to get  it using the  iplayerapp on  that .Ive just tested the  HLG hdr blue planet II loop  using the  iplayerapp on  the V6  and it worked  realy well. Jus hope that the world cup  games will be available on there when  it starts.