android tv restarts all the time


android tv restarts all the time

my tv is KDL-43W808C and i called sony when i had this problem and they told me to unplug it for 8 hours and if that doesnt work then take it there so they can check it but it worked it was fine for 3 months but know its happening again it restarts all the time i dont know what to do any help?


Hi @dimitra1853


"...they told me to unplug it for 8 hours"


This cannot be a solution provided by Sony! Are they serious? Where are you? Is it Sony Greece?


Did they give you instructions to perform a factory reset


or upgrade software to v3865


How frequent is the restarts?


If not fixed call the local support center to check TV. Technician will decide if a repair or replacement is required.



yes its sony greece and at first I was suprised too but it worked for 3 months and yesterday it happened again and now im waiting for 8 hours again and im thinking that doesnt work i will update it to android 6 marshmello via usb stick do you think that it could work?


and the restart happens every 6 minutes or 10 sometimes

First suspect is the power supply.

I suppose this is an external 19.5 Volt @ 5.2 A similar to those of laptops.

Also the first thing to check is the connections between cable power supply and TV.

Check if they are loose(χαλαρά) on TV DC input and the AC input on power supply.

If also a surge protector (πολύπριζο ασφαλείας) is used, remove this and connect straight to AC wall socket.

If issue is not solved you can go at an Electronics shop and borrow for one day check a similar power supply with at least similar specifications 19.5Volt and 5.2 A 100W or more.

Same procedure of course can be performed by a Sony service technician in your area. Your TV is still on Guarantee.

Many people had similar issue a few months ago and Sony insisted that was a Firmware issue and should be solved. I think models were India make.

Try installing the correct new firmware for your model, if possible with all those reboots.

Again your are in Guarantee. The best solution is to call a Sony Service technician (Να κρατάει ένα τροφοδοτικό μαζί του)